Jonas brothers t shirt

so im making (decorating) a t shirt for the jonas brothers concert im going to. but im not really sure about what to put on it..

nick is my favorite so i was thinking about doing something with him and inspiring me to take care of my diabetes..

any ideas?? im really stuck!

well i went on friday i wasnt told till like 2 minutes b4 so i didnt make a shirt but u should put like something funny about diabetes

haha i was making my shirt and guess what?! im meeting them b/c im a diabetic! hahah finally an upside!

so my friends aunt and cousin got two tickets and backstage passes for winning some bijke ride or something

and then the cousin didnt wanna go, but they needed a diabetic and my friends family was going and they knew i was a diabetic... so im goin! haha

omg im so jelous tell him bout this site mayb heĀ could join i have attempted a couple times to get to meet him but all turned in to complete faliures. he has been my idol since i found out that he had diabetes there was really no one else to idolize for the other 10 years!! lol

i got it. it was rite in front of me and i wrote it but here it goes everything he said is true "we go through a daily battle to attempt to be normal" and then something like diabetics are sweet something cheesie like that

I am like so feakin jelous right now! I would love to meet them! Even if it's because I have an uncurable disease. If I would be able to my friends would like hate me! I want to meet them so bad. I think that that's a good idea about telling him about the website.

He is really cute! That would be awesome if he joined the site!