Alyssa's T-Shirts are up! :)

Alrighty, Juvenators. I know its been a bit of a long time waiting for these shirts, but all designs, etc. are all worked out and the shirts are finally ready to go!

There are 11 designs; the PDF is posted below.

To order, e-mail:


All proceeds go to the JDRF, donated for research for the cure of type 1 diabetes.

Our goal is to sell 1,000 shirts, with $5 from every shirt donated, in order to ultimately raise $5,000. So we need all the help we can get, please tell your friends and family about our shirts :)


Thanks :)
- Alyssa




hey! love the shirts! what company are you using? Do you know how the sizes run?

CafePress, the sizing guide is here:


hey they look great

Hi Alyssa,this is great-good for you !! I do want a shirt.I found Cafe Press,but not the shirts.I will try again,Thank you for doing this !!!!

Alyssa!  You rock!  Great Job!


I haven't saved them to a CafePress page yet, however you can order them if you e-mail me at    with the shirt number (you can view them on the PDF page). I will look into saving them to a page, however.



Thanks, Kate & Casey :)

Wow Alyssa! I love them. I'm gonna have to talk to my parents about getting one but I'm sure they'll let me!

Those are awesome.... I'll have to order some!!

Hi Alyssa,

I love the shirts and was wondering if we email you to purchase one, how are you currently taking payment for them? Credit Card, Money Order, Cheque????

Just wanted to know so I can make plans to purchase 4 of them from you!!!


How Payment Works

Haha, my parents helped me set this one up as I'm not very business-y - but payment is being done through PayPal. So to order a shirt, let me know what shirt you wish to purchase by e-mail (  ) . I'll send you an e-mail including the total price (tax included), and sizes, etc. are worked out from there.  Does this make sense?

Love them! I definitely want one, and I'm talking to some family & friends.  Can't wait to have one of these.

Cool, I'm relieved you all like them haha. So just let me know by e-mail if you want to order one

Hey, guys. I'm glad the shirts seem to be well-received. I am, however, on vacation for the next few days (nice timing, right?). So feel free to still e-mail your orders in, I will check for them throughout, and I will send invoices once I am home.

Thanks again for all the support and interest :)

- Alyssa


1 down, 999 to go...

I'm back, so I'm watching for e-mail. Please help me raise this money :)

Hi Alyssa,I hope your shirts are selling good.I am thinking about the the one that says--You bet you can! --in light blue-I will try to get it ordered before Friday.Thanks for doing them !!


awesome! If you need help uploading your images to cafepress I can help. I have a store up there as well.



LOVE the "but not for long" tshirt. way to go, alyssa!!

Thanks for the feedback, guys, I'll keep an eye out for messages/e-mails!

Did I tell you all I ran into the door the first time I got an e-mail? I was so excited someone wanted a shirt I forgot to turn the handle in time ;)

You know I should make fun of you for the door. I could make some sort of comment about another door opening in your business endeavor and how you can also run into closed doors and be all witty about it. However, that would not be nice and why would I ever want to pick on you?? So I will leave all the door jokes aside and leave you to wonder about what type of jam you ran into with posting this.


My Guess... A door jam!!! Hahaha! Sorry! :-p