regarding wholeheartedly disagree'...
It's nice that you could feel good about yourself on how 'fair' you are and I agree that people with all all types of diabetes have problems.... but I promise you your opinion will change as you get older, start to experience the real issues that Type 1's face as they struggle with alone and misunderstood because of the lies perpetuated by organizations like the ADA and the way Type 1's have been abandoned and made to feel as outcasts by the ignorance of society and the complacency of the medical society and especially organisations like the JDRF and the ADA.
I'm 48 yrs. old, a executive in a large corporation... I always thought I could handle my disease, keep it to myself because it makes others around me squeamish with my shots and pump and blood tests.... I thought I could beat it... I have 3 kids, a wife that 'still cares' for me but asked me to understand why she left while I was in a coma and petitioned the court to keep me being alone with my children because my Type 1 and the complications that go with it was 'not what she signed up for' when we married.... 'it's better for the kids'. I still see them every day... but there are countless abandoned others outcast and alone.
I recently awoke from a diabetic coma and the fist person I saw was a nurse checking my blood sugar... I did not know where I was, how I got there but she consoled me by saying 'I know exactly what you are going through.... my CAT HAS DIABETES'!!!! THAT WAS A NURSE!!
The comments like ... 'you don't have diabetes... you're too thin' and a countless other real life threatening issues I and every other Type 1 encounters has no equivalent in society.... People with AIDS get more support and acceptance... and they usually got the disease by their own actions... and they have a cure... Type 1 has no cure and it will only get 10000 times worse as you age.
I face challenges every day caused by societies ignorance to this disease.... support groups are short lived because most adults don't have time and energy to attend never mind organize.
When I was younger there was no Type 2.... it can be cured in most cases by self discipline and diet... but it's big $$$ for the ADA.
Now we face the humiliation of having to change THE NAME OF OUR DISEASE... not theirs... and every attempt is stopped by the well intentioned those like yourself and the ignorant and those who profit from the 'we're all in this together' name.
I am jaded... my life and well being of my kids are threatened by how Type 1 is misunderstood and maligned by ignorance.
I could give 1000 other examples... unfortunately so will you as you age and the complications kick in.... and they will, no one escapes it.
Please don't condescend that you may know more about this disease or take care of yourself more than I...
Type 1's need to stop hiding ...
THIS ESPECIALLY GOES FOR THE PARENTS OF YOUNG TYPE 1'S WHO THINK THEY HAVE SUPPORT FROM THE JDRF now. Note to Parents: you won't always be there to check their sugar and watch over them and wait for their to be there... Most adults think that JDRF becomes Type 2... to them Juvenile Diabetes as the name suggests only affects those cute kids in their posters, surrounded by caring people ...
and to C... I was 22 once with Type 1. The world was mine to conquer, didn't need sleep... actually used the self dosing of insulin to my physical advantage and scoffed at the complications surrounding Type 1 cause... I was 22 going to live forever and could beat this disease. I drank the koolaid I lived the dream...
In other words... if you want to show everyone what a caring and charitable person you are, don't take down the people with problems you will one day face... My GOD what a wretched misguided individual you are promoting yourself and how you are better that those misguided self pitying unwashed... Go out and physically help 1 individual instead of blogging to promote yourself so you could feel good about yourself...
To plaidoe....
only 999,985 to go? hmmm, signed on but there aren't 10,000 without themselves or someone they love who even know what it is.... It is groups like the ADA and the JDRF who are failing us... and I wasn't always this bitter... I spent months looking for help.. There are no groups... the JDRF only cares about cute kids for thier donation campaigns and the ADA.. needs to change their name to the Americans with Type 2 Diabetes Association (AT2DA)... cause any call them is answered with 'oh... you have Type 1? Did you try the JDRF?'
a Dad with T1