Okay, I already mentioned this in a post responding to Greg, but we definitely need a new name for T1 to end the confusion wit T2. I'm taking ideas so we can contact JDFR!! lol (:
My idea was Jonas Brothers Endocrine Disease (J-BED). But seriously, what can we call it? The J-Brothers may be history tomorrow. (:
Ok - first off - please no Jonas Brothers anything - sorry, not my cup of tea. Secondly - I think we should just rename T2 - why should we have to rename? I don't care if there is 17 million of them. (or whatever the number is in the US) I do have a few names in mind for them but it's probably not best to post them. I do however like the link you posted Happy!
But seriously I think type 2 diabetes needs to find a new name....
Nah ... then we'll be stuck w/ their negative connotations that we want to ditch. (Wait!! But, I'm not 75 and I don't overeat ... at least not usually!)
I'd like to go back to "Juvenile Diabetes." When your 56 years old, like I am, it's actually nice to have a "child's" illness and be called a "juvenile." I'll always be a "kid" at heart and still love getting into mischief. "JD" sounds good too..., long as it doesn't get confused with "ED." LOL :)
if we name it after the jonas brothers, i won't claim to be diabetic any longer. it's great they're spokespeople, but i wouldn't appreciate the association :o)
ya know, ALS is still known as lou gehrig's disease. anyone know who the first documented diabetic was? we could always name it after them... as long as they were someone cool :o)