New Name for Type 1 ... ideas?

Okay, I already mentioned this in a post responding to Greg, but we definitely need a new name for T1 to end the confusion wit T2. I'm taking ideas so we can contact JDFR!! lol (:

My idea was Jonas Brothers Endocrine Disease (J-BED). But seriously, what can we call it? The J-Brothers may be history tomorrow. (:


not to seem entitled or anything but how about Greg Borkman Disease hahahaha

I have liked this one since first seeing it last year. I have no idea who came up with it.


But seriously I think type 2 diabetes needs to find a new name....

[quote user="Greg Borkman"]

But seriously I think type 2 diabetes needs to find a new name....



I wrote the CDC and asked them to change the name of T1 or T2.

I will let you know if they ever get back to me :)

Ok - first off - please no Jonas Brothers anything - sorry, not my cup of tea.  Secondly - I think we should just rename T2 - why should we have to rename?  I don't care if there is 17 million of them.  (or whatever the number is in the US)  I do have a few names in mind for them but it's probably not best to post them.   I do however like the link you posted Happy!

[quote user="Greg Borkman"]

But seriously I think type 2 diabetes needs to find a new name....


Nah ... then we'll be stuck w/ their negative connotations that we want to ditch. (Wait!! But, I'm not 75 and I don't overeat ... at least not usually!)

I love that link HappyVegan!

I'd like to go back to "Juvenile Diabetes."  When your 56 years old, like I am, it's actually nice to have a "child's" illness and be called a "juvenile."  I'll always be a "kid" at heart and still love getting into mischief.  "JD" sounds good too..., long as it doesn't get confused with "ED."  LOL :)

has "suck" already been taken?


if we name it after the jonas brothers, i won't claim to be diabetic any longer. it's great they're spokespeople, but i wouldn't appreciate the association :o)

oh geez, i just clicked on happyvegan's link. HILARIOUS! but there could be some negative connotations with being full of CRAP too ;o)

[quote user="Happy Vegan"]

I have liked this one since first seeing it last year. I have no idea who came up with it.



haha best link ever on this forum.

It was evidently coined by someone on that forum that Gina mentioned on her 14000 people test at the same time post -  if you scroll down to I think the 4th or 5th reply - it explains it a little bit.    I still like it though.

the name wont be changed because each part of the word represents some medical term.

ya know, ALS is still known as lou gehrig's disease. anyone know who the first documented diabetic was? we could always name it after them... as long as they were someone cool :o)