Peer group for elementary school kids

I am in search of a playdate for my 7 year old to be around peers with T1D.

He has been wonderful at seeing the doctors, doing the insulin pump routine, etc. but the mental aspect is falling short. I have had T1D for 46 years so I am familiar with the logistics, but my son would rather speak to others his age and compare his routine.

We are in the Laurel, MD area. So if you are nearby, please let me know.

I am not nearby, but you may be able to connect with others through your local JDRF chapter. Also, look to see if there are any local diabetes camps in your area. It may (or may not) be too late to sign him up for this summer, but it’s something to consider in the future.

Have you signed him up for a snail mail penpal through Beyond Type 1? If not, that’s a super fun way to connect. I’d definitely check with your local ADA and JDRF chapter to see if they have local meetups. If not, create one yourself, I’m sure on the facebook groups you can find a number of Type 1 parents in your area. Good luck!

Hello there. I live in Arizona. Far from you but could we possibly communicate online. My daughter is 7 as well and newly diagnosed. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this new diagnosis (She was diagnosed On June 9th 2017) and I’m trying to find someone in my same shoes for advise and a shoulder when I’m overwhelmed. I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
Teressa M.

Hello all - my 9 yo daughter has t1d and is really depressed about being the only kid around with the disorder. Please reach out to me and we can establish an online correspondence with these kids. My Skype name is Laura.aeling. Thank you.

My daughter is 9 and is looking for online friends with a type 1 … I can’t seem to find any website for just kids

Hello Ladies - If you are still interested, we can do a facetime for the kids. That way they can see the other individual. My son is using the Omni Pod and has gotten better adjusted. But - it would be good for him to interact/speak to another in his shoes.

Hold strong ladies. If we teach the kids now how to manage it, life gets better. I’ve had type 1 since i was 2-1/2 years old. Modern medicine and technology will provide them with a better future than I had.

Maria (and Thomas 8)

If you are still interested we can do a face time for the kids. You are also welcome to talk to me.

Both of those chapters were a bust, I know there are more people in our shoes, but just haven’t found them yet.

Hi, my name is Dania and I am a student and a type 1 diabetic of six years. I am currently conducting research on the effects of type 1 diabetes on a child’s self-confidence at school. I believe that we sometimes forget that the complications of type 1 diabetes can transcend physical effects, and I think it is important to analyze how type 1 diabetes can effect a child’s mindset and behavior at school.

Given that your child does not know any other diabetic children, I would really appreciate it if you and your child could take my survey linked below to help my research, as I would like to see how this issue effects him socially at school. If you have diabetic and non-diabetic children, please have each of them do the survey. I hope that this research can either help diabetic children better understand themselves or help parents better understand what their children may be facing.

If you would like to have a copy of the research results, please provide your email address at the end of the survey, as I would LOVE to share the findings of my research with you! My ultimate goal is to help diabetic children get the help that they may need. The safety of my participants is of utmost importance to me, and no information that could possibly reveal the identity of anyone will be disclosed in my research, which may ultimately be published in a student journal.

More information and the survey can be accessed by this link:
I am depending on your support. Thank you!!


Survey complete for both my diabetic and non diabetic children. Good luck.

I wish there was something like this when I was a kid. I became T1D at age 2-1/2. I’m 48 now.

Good Luck with the research.

I cannot thank you enough!! I’m excited to share my research results with you!

My daughter is also 9 and going through the same. Does your daughter play on Animal Jam or Roblox?

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Hello Sarah - yes, Gwen loves Roblox - feel free to reach out at - thanks much! Laura

Hi everyone! My T1D son is also 9 years old and going through the same. I figured too that he needs to meet other kids who are like him so he knows and feels he is not alone. He’s had it for almost 7 years now and he shows disinterest in the daily monitoring of his glucose, like calibrating his Dexcom always asks for more food, sweets, etc. and ignores the Dexcom readings. Also, he now compares himself with other kids in his class/school.

My Son is 10 he loves ROBLOX
He wax recently diagnosed this past January
And yes we should let him play together true their iPads

Good morning! My son Erik, 11, is prediabetic and his sister, Gwen, 9, is T1D. They would love to play Roblox with your kids. Email to exchange information. Thanks!