Omnipod removal and bleeding

Has anyone had a problem with bleeding when removing the Omnipod? Not just a little drop of blood, but running down my arm or thigh bleeding that left a big bruise. This has happened to me twice now and the Omnipod reps don’t have an answer other than “sometimes this happens. there’s no right or wrong way to remove the pod.”

My son doesn’t have omnipod but has dexcom and We use coconut and lemon essential oil to remove them, but one time we had a small amount of bleeding also. Hoping you get an answer

Thanks, Stacey. Will give that a try.

I’ve had it happen too. My very first pod 10+ years ago and a few ones since. It just happens. You happen to hit a spot that the blood pools for the 2-3 days it’s inserted and then “gushes” out when you remove. No biggie. Lol - btw I was wearing all white for the first one - figures! The life of a diabetic - we’d make csi investigators crazy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Your first pod and wearing white, of course, what other color could you possibly be wearing?! Nothing like making a great first impression. You’d think that, if the blood is pooling, it would occlude the cannula. Go figure.

Anyway, thanks for responding and for your sense of humor. Not yet convinced that the pod is for me, so you made me feel better.

And I’m still with it! I’ve used mini med (Medtronic) and the early days of omnipod - insurance headaches. Occlusions with every new site Change (joy, Joy, Joy) AND I was an adamant injection/anti pump person for the first 15 years of my diabetes. Love my omnipod. No one knows about my diabetes except the people I tell - I can swim and shower and be caught out in the rain without worry. I really love my life with omnipod and Dexcom. I will say that there is a learning curve for everyone. Sometimes I have to change every two days (I’m super hormonal - every week is a new basal pattern) but with the Dexcom if I see my sugars rising for no reason, I know it’s time to change.

Also!!! I’m a huge fan of bright spots and Landmines by Adam Brown of DiaTribe. 26 years of struggling with my bgs and I finally have excellent control (even with the hormones :joy:)! Check it out!

:blush::blush::blush: I really love the JRDF Type 1 forum! Great place to connect with type 1s who totally get the insanity of it all. :joy:

Take care Joy!


I’ve been an adamant injection/pen/anti-pump person for the 43 years since diagnosis at age 26 (yes, I’m old) and still leaning in that direction. Plus Medicare doesn’t cover the Omnipod, so it’s expensive.

May I ask how many visits and how frequently you met with your diabetes educator when you started out? I’ve only met with mine once since the original training period 2 months ago. With my doc once. Don’t feel like I have enough support or answers to my questions.

I’m ok with the Dex, but now with the Pod I feel like a robot with two gadgets stuck to me and two more to run them. But had to try, as after so many years, the disease has become more unpredictable and I have too many low BGs. Am also concerned with scarring that may cause absorption issues. After removal, the pod leaves a bump that takes a while to go away… Have you had anything like that?

So one more question and I’ll leave you alone: Assuming Dia Tribe is a , will I find Adam Brown’s Landmines there?

Thanks again, Ami. It’s great to not feel alone.

Oops. Meant to say I’ve seen my diab. educator twice since I started pumping 2 months ago. And meant to ask if Diatribe is a website. Sorry, must learn how to type!

I thought Medicare did approve omnipod.

There is an omnipod Medicare access team 877-939-4384.

Regarding education. Since my diagnosis in 1991 at 23 years old, it’s really been me self educating. Back then you had the stupid food allowances and straight insulin dosing - same amount every day at the same time. Thank God it was R and it took a while for it to take effect. I learned about carb counting and adjusting boluses on my own. Eventually went to an educator, but that program disappeared. BUT before they closed, they gave me the name of the best endo/pump md in my area. Even tho I was still injecting, she worked with me for 6 years till I finally gave it a shot (lol) with Medtronic (insurance). When I switched insurance- they covered omnipod.

I totally get what you mean about devices and things sticking to you (hearing aides since age 5) - hopefully the devices will come together on smartphones like Dexcom. But likely the FDA will drag their heels. Pumps are great and they can suck (all my devices seem to go on strike at the same time lol). So back up plans (and devices!) are important.

My endo is amazing - I see her 4x year, always adjusting - and I’m always hoping the a1c goes down. I read some research that a1c isn’t always the best measurement - I think using omnipod with Glooko (an app that pod users get free access to) helps to show you How you’re doing. More or less highs/lows etc.

Dexcom is a lifesaver for independent living. I had a super fast super hard low that hit due to a long time infection I didn’t know I had. After that I got Dexcom and now I know where I am all the time.

DiaTribe is a website. The book is available electronically for free or you can buy it from Amazon for $6. It changed my world. Most of the stuff I knew, bus some key things I didn’t. For example. The biggest lie! Because we do want to be normal- we fall trap to the lie that we can eat whatever we want as long as we follow it up with insulin. For decades I rode the crazy bg rollercoaster doing that. Now my daily bgs are in range, I cover lows with glucose tablets only (not ice cream or food), and I never suspend my pump or lower the basal rate (something you’re often encouraged to do). I’m doing so much better after having read the book. It’s something you can keep revisiting and tighten up control doing. I found for me, even with a pump, I am too sensitive to carbs and if I go over 15 carbs, I’ll be out of control for the next 12 hours. I couldn’t believe how everything smoothed out when I stopped trying to be “normal”

I also heard think like a pancreas was a good book, but I really found Adam’s book to be the easiest, best laid out guide to getting my life into control.

Have a great day AND feel free to reach out if you gave any questions!


Oh! Also! Contact the omnipod rep about having a training session or two. I learned a few tricks (30 days on my insulin out of the fridge and then toss, 2-3 days per pod depending on temperature and insulin type, rotation of sites - I am very methodical. Dexcom on rt or left hip, omnipod on belly, rotate around abdomen one cycle toward your navel, next cycle away. I then used my back, up one side, down the other, pointing out for first cycle, and the pointing in for next. Entire loop takes 64-96 days - plenty of time for locations to heal to prevent scarring/poor absorption. You can also use your arms and legs, but those sites don’t work for me due to clothing on/off etc etc

Also Skin Tac is great for keeping them attached until done. You put it on your skin. Wait a few min. And then apply you pod. Holds pretty good.

Lol! Ok I think that’s everything!

The Omnipod people did work with Medicare for me. Got a small exception granted, but basically not covered. $200 a month for 10 pods. However, the Insulet company is working on it. At least the Dex finally got covered this year.

Again, thanks for all the tips, everything is helpful, especially your positive attitude. Will check it all out.


Hi Joy @wings88, this sounds as if this does not belong under this Topic description; it should be moved to a new topic.
BUT, a quick response: OmniPod is not durable medical equipment [DME] but rather “throw-away” supplies which Medicare can not cover. The GOOD news is that JDRF is working a bill through Congress to get OmniPod covered - see what you can do to help, such as write to your three [3] representatives in Congress.

Thanks, Dennis,

This topic question originally started out asking whether other pod users had experienced bleeding when removing the pod. Then it morphed into a Medicare question. Have already gotten an “exception” for the pod to be covered by Part D with a big co-pay. However you’re right, JDRF is working to get it covered by Part B with plans for a rollout by 2019. Fingers crossed. Will research congressional reps.