I’ve been using the Omnipod Dash system for almost 3 months now and have to say I am a little disappointed since I am experiencing some of the same issues I had with the old system.
Fist the positive. The PDM is much sleeker than the old one which I appreciate. Being a young professional I appreciate having a PDM that looks like a phone so I don’t attract so many questions from colleagues. “Josh, do you have 2 phones?” is a much better question than “Josh, is that a beeper or what the heck is that thing!?”.
However, when the PDM starts beeping in the middle of a meeting I want to throw it out the window. I feel like Elaine in Seinfeld when her organizer keeps beeping.
I get it PDM, my pod is going to expire in 4 hours, in 1 hour, it just expired but I really have 8 hours to change it, or you need me to test my BS. I’ll get to it when I get to it. Now SHUT UP!!
I get this thing needs to have notifications & alarms but here are my suggested improvements for Insulet:
- Can we please silence the alarms without unlocking the PDM!? I can do it on my Android phone, why not my Android PDM!? Most often after I unlock the PDM the alarm continues and the notification doesn’t come up to silence it. This is very frustrating.
- Can we actually have control over the volume settings!? The volume setting always defaults back to max a few hours after I turn it down. What is even the point of turning it down?
- Can we adjust settings on the notifications? I would like it if the pod would just vibrate a couple times letting me know it is going to expire and then not require me to acknowledge the alarm on my PDM. Maybe I’m asking too much, but I didn’t get any alarms when my long acting insulin was going to expire and I did just fine.
Finally, I have not seen much improvement with the connectivity between the PDM and the pod now that it connects using Bluetooth. The old PDM was awful and Dash is better but it still has trouble even though I have it right by the pod.
OK there’s my rant, thanks for reading. I hope you found it helpful if you are considering Omnipod or if you are using Omnipod Dash and have the same frustrations.