Omnipod Occlusion!

So my biggest fear just came true -- I have always feared in my 1 1/2 yrs with the Omnipod that it would start beeping uncontrollably because of an occlusion when I was at work and didn't have the PDM nearby.  I had been lucky so far that occlusions are rare and have only happened at home.  But, alas, it happened just now.  I am at work, and I was leaving the bathroom to head back to my office and the high pitched beeping started.  I freaked out because I would have to come back to my desk beeping (and none of my coworkers would know why!!)  So I sprinted back to the office, grabbed my PDM case, and sprinted back to the bathroom ( and only passed a couple of people in the hallway). For those of you not familiar with Omnipod, you cannot make the beeping (screeching is more like it) stop until you have the PDM.  So I made it back to the bathroom and then had to change my pump on the floor of the bathroom (luckily just our office members use it but still that's gross).  It was embarrassing and has defintely gotten my heart rate up. 

Phew, happy Friday to all of you... hope you days are going better than mine!

We are about to get an omnipod for our 6 year old. Other than the obvious annoyance of the screaching (shes 6 she screaches enough herself...) have you been happy with the omnipod?? I have looked at other pumps but this one seemed to be the best for her since she would stay in the swimming pool from morning till night all summer long.  But since I don't know anyone with the pod I need input from anywhere I can get it. We tried the test pod and she liked it, although the spot I put it in wasn't good. But that I guess takes a little time to learn about. Just looking for any thought you might be able to give me on it. Shes only had diabetes since 1/2010 so we are still new at this..

Stephanie is it possible to keep your pdm in your pocket while at work?

Most of my dress pants/skirts don't have pockets, and it's only happened once, so it's not worth buying a whole new wardrobe at this point!  Plus I think that PDM thing is a little big to fit comfortably in a pocket while sitting down.

Gina, what do you think of the Omnipod so far?

[quote user="Amy & Abbey Rose"]

We are about to get an omnipod for our 6 year old. Other than the obvious annoyance of the screaching (shes 6 she screaches enough herself...) have you been happy with the omnipod?? I have looked at other pumps but this one seemed to be the best for her since she would stay in the swimming pool from morning till night all summer long.  But since I don't know anyone with the pod I need input from anywhere I can get it. We tried the test pod and she liked it, although the spot I put it in wasn't good. But that I guess takes a little time to learn about. Just looking for any thought you might be able to give me on it. Shes only had diabetes since 1/2010 so we are still new at this..



I love the Omnipod, despite my rant above, it rarely has occlusions and most people's ears are probably not as sensitive to the high pitched beeping that mine are.  I gave myself injections for 8 1/2 years before I switched to a pump and I love the Omnipod.  It's easy to sleep in, you don't have to take it off to shower or run around outside.  The only thing that is sometimes annoying is if you and your PDM are separated (as i was from mine when it went off).  But luckily it's a rare, rare occurrence! Good luck and I hope you and your daugter love the Omnipod!  Oh, the best part of the pump is it does all the calculations for you.  Instead of you having to figure out how many units of insulin to inject, you just put in the total number of carbs into the PDM and it calculates it for you (based on your pre-existing settings, of course).  This should help your daughter out a lot as she gets older and takes on more of the responsibilities herself.

Hi Amy & Abbey,

I have been diabetic for more than 30 years, and 2 years ago I decided to try a pump. The Omnipod was my first  choice because it was wireless and easy to manage. I must say I have found that it works well for me. I can live my life without worrying about when I have to take my insulin or when can I eat. I can spend all day at the shore or in the pool. I don't worry about what clothes I want to wear. I carry the remote in a small purse or fanny pack, depending on my activity.

I find myself recommending the Omnipod to others due to the simplicity of it's use. Especially for young people where the parent might need to assist with the carb counting and reading instructions.

Good luck! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.



I have had diabetes for 40 years. I have always used injections and have no complications of any kind. I exercise alot.

I quickly did a search and found the Omnipod and that is what I am going to receive in a week to 10 days.

My questions is this. I have read some of people who use the Omnipod say that they have had 4 or 5 defective pods in one year.

I am scared that I will only have a pod that is defective and then what do you do. Is it true that the cannula gets bent and shuts off the insulin?

I am really happy about getting the pump but when I read things like the above i worry that I will be teaching, driving and that suddenly I will have no insulin.  i also am thin and have not found a place for the demo pod that can look hidden.



How does Abbey Rose like the Omnipod ? How long did it take to get used to it and find the right dosage. I am getting one in a week to 10 days?
Have you had any defective pods ? Where does she feel most comfortable putting the pod?

tht happens to me with the pod also it stinks!!! i hold it down it kinda muffs the sound lol


This September I started using the Omnipod and I am happy with my decision. It bothered me at first having to change the pod location every three days, but that does not bother me anymore (plus, if you are on any pump you have to change sites every 3 days). I lap swim with it on and it hasn't fallen off or stopped working.  It is easy to conceal and I doubt that people notice it on me. I have had a several bad pods, but they failed before I even put them on and I called Insulet and they replaced them. I have never had a pod fail after it is on me or start beeping because of an occlusion.   

CarlyinCo It is good to hear about your good experiences swimming with the pod.  I wore the demo pod for three days and showered with it and practice daily Yoga backbends from the floor up and it never came off..stuck like glue. I am glad it has not stopped working while you  wear it .l am grateful it has an alarm  if the pod shuts off which it probably never will.. that makes alot of difference to me.


Where do you hide the Omnipod while swimming. I teach Yoga and wear  fitted or semi fitted tops and leggings. I wll begin using the Omnipod next week. Last night I wore a sweater dress and it was not that tight but when i wore my demo Omnipod in the small of my back on one side I saw the pod clearly.


When I swim I wear it on my stomach with a one piece bathing suit. I think if people were looking they could tell something was there, but I get in and out of the water pretty quick, so I doubt they notice. I have never tried it on my back, I feel like I would knock it off. 


I have been on the Omnipod for about 5 1/2 months and was extreamly happy at first....Now once this last box runs out, I think i'm going to switch back to Minimed. I'm pretty sure i'm allergic to the tape, i have tried TONS of different creams, wipes, ect. that both my endo and a CDE from Omnipod have suggested. The rash is so bad and painful from the tape that I can't put a new pod ANYWHERE near the area for almost 3 weeks!!! I never had this problem with my minimed pump. (This is just a personal problem, and I know has nothing to do with Omnipod vs. Minimed...My skin just doesn't like Omnipod)

I also have been having to call Omnipod to get pods replaced because they have failed. (most before I put them on as well) I always carry an extra pod with me, and I was due to change mine yesterday at work. Of course, the pod that went to work with me did not activate, and I had to leave work to go home and get another one. From my 3 month supply of pods, this was the 7th one I've had to call in to get replaced. I am NOT a happy camper! Makes me question how well the pump is and if i'm getting the right amount of insulin when i'm suspose to, or if that could be failing as well.

It upsets me that I am no longer happy, because I LOVED having a tubeless pump!!! But the cons are no longer worth it to me....and as soon as my insurance will pick up the latest Minimed pump ( in Feb ) I'll be switching back.

Maybe you can see an Allergist and see what he would suggest for your allergic reaction to the tape  I have skin allergies to everything and the demo pod with the tape did not bother me for three days..   I am sorry to hear of your episode..does the user have anything to do with whether it activates correctly or are 7 of your pods all defective. I have a hard time thinking of wearing tubing so the pod is my choice Hope you have a better time going back or your other pump.


Pam- I may look into seeing an allergist, haven't really thought about that..Thanks!

As for the user having to do with anything to do with my pod not working, do you mean me? lol. I'm doing everything just as I should be. They ask me a bunch of questions and determine if they will replace it or not, and so far, they have all been replaced, because it wasn't anything I did wrong.
I do love that it doesn't have any tubing, which is the main reason I got the Omnipod...Not sure yet, we will see.

Carly Did the CDE start you wearing the pod or did you have to go to your Dr. first time ?

I've had that happen to me in class and my PDM was back in my dorm room.  I couldn't leave class so i bunched up my jacket and put it over my stomach where my Pod was to muffle the sound until the end of class, then while walking back to my dorm put my hands in my jacket pocket over the pod (again to muffle the sound).  But I'm pretty sure everyone thought my face was red for nothing because I was so embarrassed.  I always make sure I have my PDM in my bag wherever I go now.

Pam, the CDE started me on the pod that day and I saw my doctor a week or two later to make sure everything was okay. After that appointment I saw the doctor again six weeks later. And now that everything is working out fine I am going to see him every 3 months.

The day I started the pod I was with one other person who was starting on the Omnipod and we arrived around 9AM, we learned how to use it and program it, which probably took about 1 1/2 hours and then we started using it. The CDE/pump trainer had us go out to lunch and bolus alone and then we came back and just hung around for a couple of hours and then we tested BS two hours after lunch and both of our numbers were good, so she figured we understood what we were doing and we were able to leave around 2PM. It was pretty boring after we got the pod working, so you may want to bring a book or something if you have to hang around for awhile after starting the pod. I was told we had to be at the facility for most of the day to make sure we did not have any emergencies or unusual reactions to the pod/pumping. 

After starting the pod, I emailed a log sheet she provided with BS, food eaten, bolus amount, and time everyday for 5 days and then I was able to just download the PDM report and email it to her every 4-5 days for two weeks. I don't recall the doctor changing my basal rates the first time I saw him after starting the pod, but at the six week appointment he changed a few rates. I am not sure how they calculated what basal doses I needed on the pod from my Lantus amount, but they did a really good job because huge adjustments haven't had to be made. Now I only email my PDM report if I have a question or concern. 

GOOD LUCK ON TUESDAY!! Let us know how it goes. 

Hello....I have had T1 for 17years since age 9.....I got a minimed pump in 2001, have been wearing once since.  I have found them to be very reliable, and have never had a problem with it.  I did try the Omni Pod about 2 years ago, and had bad experiences with it.  It was hard to wear it anywhere but my abdomin but even then limited space due to its size and my pants line.  On my arm it would always get knocked out (i dont even play sports etc).  i couldnt wear them on my legs cause i always wear tight pants, and it wouldnt fit.  But I also found it to be dangerous for me.  Twice it became dislodged during the night and the alarm didnt sound.  I woke up very symptomatic with high ketones, BG in the 400's.  That never happened to me with the minimed.  In addition to that, they would not stay on my body and would always somehow come off; I wasnt doing anything extraordinary to cause it to fall out either.  I wasted alot of insulin using them.  This all happened within a couple weeks! Needless to say I returned it and reordered a minimed.  I would not recommend it.  This is NOT meant to put anyone down that is using it, or anyone who recommends it; I believe that it is working well for them.  I am happy that it is working great for some people!  I just wanted to share my experience with it.