Nick Jonas Anyone?

I love the Jonas Brothers song LOve Bug it is the best!!!! I love them. I went to one of there concerts and it was amazing! I had soooo much fun. My favorite bro. is Nick he understands u t1's unlike some other people and that is what i love about him...

He's great!!  I love all that he's doing to help out organizations like JDRF and the ADA.  I found something really cool yesterday, it's at this site.. .. They have medical alert dog tags that say "A little bit long and I'll be fine", for only $5!!  When I saw them I wanted one, but I expected them to be way too expensive for me to afford, and when I saw that it was only 5 bucks, I said I have to have one!!  Just check it out, if you like Nick, I have a feeling you will like this.

OMG!!  You are soo lucky!!  I signed up for that too, but I didn't win.

I was soo excited when i heard he has T1, not for the fact that he has it, but for that fact that someone i idolize in the celebrity 'world' knows exactly what i go through everyday. i had been looking for years to find a celebrity with T1 and there wasn't really anyone my age. now i follow everything he does for it and i think it's great.

ya i think its amazing everything they do. He has really made people realize what it means to have diabetes. I like a few of their songs but i just think that they all three are amazing people.

i love the jonas brothers!

and im jelouse of nick having an omipod i would love that i mean no tubing so cool.

i absolutely lovee nick jonas!! i love his music and my favorite song it a little bit longer. it sends an important message, and i think its soo cool how he helps diabetics. . . but i hate how people always make a big deal about his diabetes and are like help support nick jonas! i mean there are other diabetics in the world! haha.

Eww abosolutly not can not stand him

i heard part of one of their songs and didnt like it.

I LOVE a little bit longer! It's helped me get through bad days, and it makes me cry almost every time!

Ummmmm.... anyone else NOT like them? I think their annoying Disney wannabes. Then again thats just my opinion, though in my opinion my opinion is the most important....^_^. Ya, I don't like them...-_-"

i love him! he's a great role model and i actually GOT TO MEET HIM! at one of their concerts i went with my friend who's uncle knows their manager or something, so we got meet and greet passes and we got to meet the jonas brothers! they were so sweet and so nice and Nick actually saw my pump, and he said "oh cool you have diabetes too?" to me it was so cool.

You gotta love a guy willing to stand up and help others instead of hiding and being ashamed of his diabetes. Go Nick! I wish he would come to Camp Herkto Hollow in Iowa. That would be beyond sweet.


haha, he's cool. he's a great example of not letting D get you down. does anyone else have the 'diabetes' dogtag from the nickssimplewins website :P?

Oh My Gosh Nick Jonas is my husband. He is gorgeous

ugggggggggggg......i barf. blaaaaaargh!!=)

I abosolutely love the Jonas Brothers! Nick is such a great inspiration! Although I'm sick of all the fans saying that he's going to die and to support him, but what about others with diabetes?

nick is sooo cute. and its great that he's helping.

he's my boo.

He uses the Omni Pod.