Newly Diagnosed and In College

Hi, everyone. I was recently diagnosed in May and then I moved in to college in August. I knew a lot of things because my sister also has Type 1. It has just been hard to be away from everyone that knows me and have to deal with this on my own. I have looked into diabetes groups on campus but there doesn’t seem to be any. It is hard because no one around me really seems to understand what I have to go through everyday. I get really discouraged and angry at night and ask, “Why me?” all the time. I try to stay positive but it gets hard sometimes. I am just looking for support and encouragement. Thanks guys.

Check out some of the Diabetes groups on Facebook and see if there is a particular one that you feel you fit with best. I belong to the Medtronic Insulin Pump group since I use that pump, but they welcome all. They have been very helpful and supportive.

Our son was recently diagnosed and he’s 6 - so my experience there won’t help you much. I remember when I was diagnosed, however, and I can say this - keep looking. It is hard to find other T1’s that you relate to and who get it - it’s HARD but not impossible. I agree with amapeli83 that FB is probably a good resource, this site is a good resource and sites like tuDiabetes, childrenwithdiabetes - and other blogs and sites. This disease is tough and (especially in the late teens/early twenties) - it gets in your head and messes with you. You will, I suspect no shortage of people cheering for you and if you look around for a bit, I am equally certain you will find some in a similar situation.

Hang in there and keep doing what you’re doing. It may not seem like it by whatever standards you had in mind but you are doing great.

Keep us posted as you find resources!



Hi there, I wanted to respond because I was also diagnosed when I was in college, a few weeks before I started my sophomore year. I didn’t find many resources on my campus either. I was newly diagnosed in the years before Facebook (hard to remember a wold wit hour FB!) so that wasnt even a consideration. I did find some great resources at a local medical center. One of the first things that my parents had me do with meet with a diabetic nurse educator who was affiliated with the hospital. Even though I was keeping my endocrinologist in my hometown, my parents wanted me to have a resource in my college town. Through her, I was able to get into some support groups that met about once a month and it was really really helpful. I also utilized the local JDRF chapter and started volunteering at their local walk. I met a bunch of fellow T1ers that way too.

If you report to the campus nurse’s office, and give them your info about being type 1, that will be a good start. They may give you info about other T1’s on campus, so you could possibly room with one of them. I am type 1, and taught at a community college. The nurse’s office there kept records on every diabetic on campus, and she notified teachers of every class for which those diabetics were registered.

I agree with everything except the school nurse part. I had some really horrible experiences with health services at my school. They were utterly incompetent I avoided them at all costs after sophomore year. (But whether it’s the school nurse or a doctor at home, do have some medical professional you can contact in an emergency! Maybe your school nurses aren’t as bad as mine…) Also, though they might have some informational handouts for you, I don’t think they’d be able to tell you about other diabetics on campus. I’m pretty sure that would breach confidentiality. They did provide me with free sharps containers, though. And disposed of them for me at the end of the school year. I would say you should look into your school’s disability services. My school had a disability services office, separate from health services. I wasn’t interested in meeting other diabetics at the time, but if I was, that would’ve been the best place to start. They were in the know about all the support groups and such in the area.

Hi @Laker_19! I am so sorry that you were diagnosed with Type 1 and that you’re having a rough time. Try to stay positive! I am a Type 1 at UT Austin and have been since I was 3. What college are you at? Type 1 is a very livable disease and even though it can be frustrating, try to focus on the good things in your life. Message me if you’d like to e-mail/vent about all things Type 1! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck with everything, I know it’ll be okay.

Like others that have replied here, I was in the same situation you are, many years before FB. It was really difficult, especially trying to manage snacks and hypoglycemia, and I was a bit foolish to try to hide diabetes from everyone; only took one comment about someone’s grandmother having the same disease not to want to tell anyone,. Makes me laugh now to think about it. The effort it takes to do college work is tremendous, doing it while managing diabetes will make you are a stronger person. I have no advice except to be careful of your blood glucose when you study and are under pressure, taking tests etc, high or low, both can have a real effect on your concentration and memory. In the end do the best you can and after that don’t worry about the outcome.
I went on to do a PhD and if I got through after being dumped off a week before classes and expected to figure it out, you certainly can, there isn’t anything special about me, that you reached out for help says to me you have it together a lot more than i did, it will get better
Prayers with you

Hi! I was also diagnosed while I was in college (still in college). It was very hard to stomach because I had no support from my family, no finances, and I was struggling with many other things. I am here to tell you that while it will be no walk in the park it is possible. I do find myself struggling mentally, academically, and physically with my diabetes, but I know that I have to continue pushing through until I get to stable ground.

I would sometimes find myself envying those who were diagnosed at a young age (even though I hate and despise the fact that any child should have to live life like that) because now they haven’t really known life without diabetes and have much more experience with the disease, while some of us (although we thankfully/unthankfully) got it later after having a routine.

My best advise is to keep holding on, and I find that it helps to get more involved and learn more about T1(even T2 and others!). Since I knew no diabetics and no one could understand me, I had to rely on the diabetes community online and around me. I also found that working with the student health clinics and nutritionists and many other health care workers on campus, I was able to develop a family that I couldn’t have with my blood.Good luck to you, and we are all in this together! <3

If you can make a little time Please keep us posted about how you are doing