New Freestyle Test Strips...Anyone used them?

If so, thoughts?  Any problems...or really any difference at all?

Picked some up from the pharmacy for the first time this weekend and had no idea they changed until I opened the vial.  The link below says it uses a different enzyme that makes it more accurate, and a design change.



I use the strips on my Omnipod to test my blood sugar, and they don't work!! I just discovered this last night while I went to test because I felt low, and nothing is happening. My Omnipod is working, so I know it isn't the battery..I'm pretty upset! I'm at work until 7am also, so it's not like I can even grab the meter to test with as a second option. Sigh :/

Chelsea - you can contact the OmniPod people about that, and they'll replace your strips with the older ones.  I am told by a friend on Twitter who also has the Pod that the new strips aren't supposed to be used with the OmniPod; just with FreeStyle meters.  There will be seperate OmniPod-only strips coming out shortly, or something.

My daugher has an Omnipod and we haven't had any trouble iwth them.  We have the newer PDM style.   


They seem to work fine.  Seem to use less blood.  

i use free-style lite meter and the new strips are more accurate but they are about $1.16 a strip. does everyone else feel about the new strips?

[quote user="okcpwd1"]

i use free-style lite meter and the new strips are more accurate but they are about $1.16 a strip.


When you got your Freestyle Lite, did it have a Freestyle Promise card on the front?  It's a program they've been doing for the past 2 years or so where you give the card to your pharmacy and reduces the cost per 100 box to like 15-20 bucks...and it's amazing.  Freestyle test strips are ridic expensive, but I haven't felt the brunt of that for over a year now.

I think they work great. It requires a lot smaller blood amount and it "sucks" in the blood. I had a couple of the old freestyle vials left and actually prefer the new ones. I also use the freestyle lite.

I have used Free Style meters since Sept, 2006. I don's see any difference in the newer ones, except they require less blood and they give results very fast. They agree very closely with my Relion meter from Walmart. The Relion strips cost 40 cents each, and the Free Style strips cost more than twice as much. My insurance covers Free Style but will not cover Relion. When I run out of Free Style strips, I use Relion until my next shipment arrives.

I have been using the new strips with the Omnipod and I haven't had any problems. I have tested a few times with the new strips and the Omnipod and compared the BS readings to my Onetouch Ultra Mini and the BS results were comparable. I think the new strips are easier to use and the results seem to be accurate.

I use Freestyle as one of my meters. I see no difference besides the design und bottle change. To me in otherwords  - just another change of test strip ;)

After contacting Omnipod, I was informed that anyone who is using the Omnipod to check their blood sugar should NOT be using these new strips yet. The new strips are FDA approved for the meter itself, but they have not been FDA approved to be used in your Omnipod. After getting a few boxes of the new ones last week, I went back where I got the RX filled, and asked for the strips to be exchanged for the old brand. I'm sure its not really that big of deal, and when it's all said and done, FDA will approve them for the Omnipod...But why take the change

Seems I am in the minority here, but I love these THINGS!!

The little point seems to help "pop" the bubble, and they seem to be so much faster at getting the blood into them.

I use the CozMonitor and a FreeStyle Lite.

I can't really comment on the accuracy for sure, but the meter is VERY close to the endo clinic units I can check it against.


Just my 2 cents really.

Yeah I've been using these for a few weeks now and I like them a lot better.  I have some of the old strips on my meter at work and they seem really archaic now.  The little point on the sides really does help...makes it seem like it takes less blood.

[quote user="Ideen"]

Yeah I've been using these for a few weeks now and I like them a lot better.  I have some of the old strips on my meter at work and they seem really archaic now.  The little point on the sides really does help...makes it seem like it takes less blood.


I just opened up my latest box of test strips and saw that the mini-canisters weren't the normal color (blue). I got really excited, opened them up, and saw the new little nubbies on the side! I'm super psyched about trying them out! I hate it when I have to prick my fingers 2 or even 3 times because I couldn't seem to get enough blood. (After 3 times I give up, assuming the universe doesn't want me to test right then.)

I almost posted on Facebook about my new strips and then I realized no one would know what I was talking about:)