My Bracelet!

Thanks for all of the links to medical ids....I need a new fashionable bracelet!  Hope you find yours:)

[quote user="Batts"]


it might be a good idea to get her used to wearing one now so when she's older, she won't fight against it. You also never know that something isn't gonna happen, like getting put in a carpool to a field trip with a parent and her teacher forgot to let them know she's diabetic, etc. (i was raised as "better safe than sorry" about diabetes when it came to wearing a bracelet and having food when i was little). They have some great "kid-friendly" designs out there that aren't too expensive and she can pick out with you :)


Here they are not aloud in other parents cars bus only and currently I go on all field trips with her. She wont let anyone else but me give her her insulin and I am at the school at least once a day besides dropping them off and picking them up. She is never unsupervised by anyone that doesnt know she is diabetic. The principle himself goes to her classroom if she has a sub and double checks they know who she is and that she is diabetic and what she is aloud to do any time she needs to do it. I also do it with her to introduce her to the sub so she knows they know she is and that is  if its not her normal sub who is the grandmother of one of the boys in her class and has experience with diabetes in her family. So we cover the bases when it comes to her safety. Oh and she loves to wear jewelry and she does want one but when you have to pay 1000 bucks a month for your son epilepsy meds even cheap id bracelets can be to much. I am not trying to come off as snotty or offended but its just how it is for us right now. Its not that I dont care about her safety.

No worries it was just a suggestion :slight_smile:

Ajax, My med. alert bracelet's chain broke off right before a 5 hour drive by myself to Chapel Hill. Luckily, I found it on the floor under my bed and fashioned a very cool new chain out of 2 pink hair elastics. I agree that I feel naked w/o one and didn't want to be alone on the highway w/o it, even if I looked silly. I've basically only ever taken it off for my wedding...

I also thought the same way until our endo nurse gave us a scenario, She said what if you were driving and got into a car accident and you weren't able to speak for her and tell them that she is type 1 diabetic how are they going to take care of her.

Medical alert .com just google it they have tons


I just ordered one of those yesterday along with one that has a beaded band for other occassions.  I can't wait to get them!

Well, I gave up on finding that one. It went through a lot with me, but I guess i'll just have to move on. I ordered a new one last night from americanmedical-id. I decided to go with the stainless steel, because i thought the red would make it more obvious to EMS folks and because it's cheaper than the silver. I also got one without a chain, so I can attach some sort of bungee situation for running, and another one just like the first one so I have an extra in case I lose this one, too. 

RIP, previous medical id. 

I've worn a medicalert bracelet or necklace for most of my life. I am currently looking at options for ordering a new set from them. Stainless will be the most durable, and avoid silver unless it is rhodium coated.

Remember that these purchases and medicalert member fee's are FSA and HSA eligible.