Wow, I would never have thought of that! LOL It makes sense though; they wouldn't not tattoo you because your diabetic though would they? And I love your design idea! Does the diabetes awareness ribbon look like all the other ones or is it different??
[quote user="Courtney"]
[quote user="Batts"]
[quote user="Courtney"]
I want the diabetes awareness ribbon with the date I was diagnosed written inside the ribbon on my ankle.
that is actually a pretty cool idea of how to do it. my idea was to get the medical symbol(the cross with the snake) with diabetes written in there and my D.O.D. on my hip. but i like your idea much better! lol
Thanks, I actually have a medic alert bracelet already so my tattoo isn't really going to be for the paramedics to see or anything. I don't see why so many people try to hide the fact that they are diabetic. It's a part of who are and that's why I really want this tattoo.
I'm actually pretty against using a tattoo as a medical alert thing. Medics aren't trained to look for getting that instead of wearing a bracelet is dangerous IMO. It's a totally different thing to get a tattoo about your diabetes that you aren't relying on someone else to look for and register as vaild information.
I don't tell people, or rather I don't go around telling people if I don't have to, but a tattoo that you can hide is nothing really. It's just another tattoo. I'd probably get mine on my hip so you only see it in the summer when i'm swimming or something. i'm not ashamed of it, i just don't think it's anyones business to know unless i need them to.
[quote user="Shelby"]
Wow, I would never have thought of that! LOL It makes sense though; they wouldn't not tattoo you because your diabetic though would they? And I love your design idea! Does the diabetes awareness ribbon look like all the other ones or is it different??
unless your diabetes is not controlled, theres no reason they wouldn't tattoo you..but they don't ask if it's uncontrol or not. you sign a waiver, that would not hold them responsible if something happens because it doesn't heal properly due to you not taking care of it or having medical problems like diabetes where the healing time is SOMETIMES longer. they expect you to be responsible about getting a tattoo if it may cause medical problems, that's not their problem.
when i got my first tattoo, i mentioned it when she was going over what we had to do day of(me and three friends got our tattoos done all the same day, they waited to get theirs til my 18th so we could do it together). she said "okay cool, even more reason for you to make sure you eat a huge meal before you come in and even more reason for you to eat a chocolate bar while we do it!" (for all my tattoos i have been told to eat a big meal at least an hour before and for the back one, even before she knew about my diabetes, she told us all to bring in a chocolate bar to eat while it was getting done as a sort of soothing thing).
I have never had a problem getting peirced or tattooed because of my diabetes. It just means you have to be more careful than most people cuz you are higher risk for infection or longer healing time..but i have never had a problem with my tattoos(two of them healed before the approx legnth of healing time i was given!) or peircings(minor a few irrations which are pretty common cuz your body is freaking out cuz you put a hole through it). i generally don't clean my peircings as often as you are suppose to(forget, dont have the stuff on me, whatever the reason) but i've never had a problem.
it's more you need to test before hand, eat, and test after and rest before getting up. it's stress on your body which can cause you to go low. if you don't feel well during, you ARE able to take breaks and eat something..they aren't gonna get mad at you. a break for you is a break for them too and for larger ones, they require you to take a couple breaks.
afterwards it's just a matter of watching your levels and taking care of it.
OH! and only for my first tattoo and first couple peirces did i ever end up telling the guy/girl i was diabetic. after my 3rd peircing, i got the idea that they don't really care, it doesn't change what they will do when they peirce you.
and always go to a clean professional place that has a good rep. if they are willing to tattoo you under the legal age, even with your parent's permission...don't go there. if they will peirce you with just a note from your parent cuz you are underage, don't go there(have your parent go with you). there was a place right across from my highschool that did peircings, and the guy would do them even if you were 14(legal age is 18 without parental permission) whether or not you had a note. most of the kids i know who went to him instead of getting their parents to come down to a place downtown with them to do it..ended up with horrible infections. the places i tried to go to get my navel peirced wouldn't take a note and told me to either wait til i was 18 or get my mom to come down, they wouldn't do it without a parent present to sign the paperwork...those places i go to and i have never had a problem.
I'm sorry if you thought I was talking negatively about you. I honestly didn't even see your post.
I totally understand what you mean about people seeing other things than your diabetes.
For me, I feel differently. Obviously I do want people to see other things as well, but for me diabetes is a part of my life.
I do hope that one day we can all have our day of our cure tattooed on us! haha
They aren't going to refuse to tattoo you, but they will tell you different information on what to do the day you get tattooed and how to take care of it. It will also change the time in which it takes your tattoo to heal.
I think a medic alert on your wrist is a very cool idea, but it would have to be obviously MD, or paramedics may not even notice it. If it is done right - its a wonderful idea. Best of luck.
[quote user="Courtney"]
I'm sorry if you thought I was talking negatively about you. I honestly didn't even see your post.
I totally understand what you mean about people seeing other things than your diabetes.
For me, I feel differently. Obviously I do want people to see other things as well, but for me diabetes is a part of my life.
I do hope that one day we can all have our day of our cure tattooed on us! haha
[/quote]Sorry for assuming!
Lets hope we still want tattoos when there is a cure!!
[quote user="Courtney"]
They aren't going to refuse to tattoo you, but they will tell you different information on what to do the day you get tattooed and how to take care of it. It will also change the time in which it takes your tattoo to heal.
in my experience, from telling the tattoo artist and not telling the last two...they don't give you any different information. period. i got the same info my friends got for the first one, and i was given the same information from the last two artists that i didn't say anything to, or even explain why i had a bracelet(they didn't ask).
and healing time depends totally on the person. all my tattoos have healed on time or BEFORE the time the artist told me it would take. it depends on how you take care of it and your own personal healing time. people always tell me my healing time will be longer cuz i'm a diabetic..but i have never had a longer healing time than anyone tattoo/peircing wise..the only thing that takes longer to heal for me is my tendonitis cuz its a muscle thing, and when i fractured my baby toe.
so saying that it will change the time it takes to heal just cuz you have diabetes, isn't 100% true. it's more the person's healing time than the diabetes(assuming they are relatively healthy diabetics and not consisently high or consistently low and have major complications). my mom takes longer to heal when she gets cuts than i do..and i pick at my cuts and don't clean them, etc. my brother has the same healing time for tattoos as i do. neither of them are diabetic and as far as teh doctor is concerned they are both completel healthy(they don't even have allergies unless you include being sensitive to MSG in chinese food one).
I emailed a local hospital about this, and it took them two weeks to give a response that they could not comment on tattoos or procedure related to them... so I'm willing to bet "diabetes" tattoos will not be reliable for EMTs. I still like the ideas though.
[quote user="Batts"]
[quote user="Courtney"]
They aren't going to refuse to tattoo you, but they will tell you different information on what to do the day you get tattooed and how to take care of it. It will also change the time in which it takes your tattoo to heal.
in my experience, from telling the tattoo artist and not telling the last two...they don't give you any different information. period. i got the same info my friends got for the first one, and i was given the same information from the last two artists that i didn't say anything to, or even explain why i had a bracelet(they didn't ask).
and healing time depends totally on the person. all my tattoos have healed on time or BEFORE the time the artist told me it would take. it depends on how you take care of it and your own personal healing time. people always tell me my healing time will be longer cuz i'm a diabetic..but i have never had a longer healing time than anyone tattoo/peircing wise..the only thing that takes longer to heal for me is my tendonitis cuz its a muscle thing, and when i fractured my baby toe.
so saying that it will change the time it takes to heal just cuz you have diabetes, isn't 100% true. it's more the person's healing time than the diabetes(assuming they are relatively healthy diabetics and not consisently high or consistently low and have major complications). my mom takes longer to heal when she gets cuts than i do..and i pick at my cuts and don't clean them, etc. my brother has the same healing time for tattoos as i do. neither of them are diabetic and as far as teh doctor is concerned they are both completel healthy(they don't even have allergies unless you include being sensitive to MSG in chinese food one).
I never said that it is 100% positive that it will take longer, but it does happen.
I had a piercing pushed out of my ear due to the fact that it wouldn't heal right. I have friends that are tattoo artists and diabetes is one of the requirements that you must tell them and sign a form for at their shop in order to be tattooed. They have given me different information then they have given my sister who is not diabetic. When I got my tattoo I had no pealing, dryness or itching at all. Whereas my sisters have taken a few weeks to heal. So obviously everyone is different.
Just because your tattoo artist doesn't give you different information doesn't mean that someone else's won't. If you are getting a tattoo for the first time it is very important to tell your artist because you have no idea how your body will react.
they aren't responsible for how your body is going to react and they won't know how your body is going to react either. as you agreed with me, everyone is different, they can't predict that or TELL you what's gonna happen, they can only give you what USUALLY happens to normal, healthy people.
you sign the waiver whether or not you are diabetic, agreeing that you won't sue them if your body reacts badly as long as they did a professional job(which is why you only wanna go to clean, professional places) or that you won't come back and blame them for ANYTHING. they don't give a shit if you're diabetic, it's YOUR responsibility and yours alone to make sure you're in a healthy state to be getting a tattoo..not theirs in anyway.
yes, the first time you should, but that doesn't mean you're gonna get any different info than anyone else is or that it's gonna take longer, which is what i got from your statement.
As I said before they aren't ever going to tell you what's going to happen because they don't know.
I don't know about your tattoo artists but mine cares about what happens to me. I know the reason for signing the release forms, but they still need to know in order to get medical help if anything serious happens to you. Just because you are healthy doesn't mean that you aren't going to pass out, it happens to everyone.
A lot of people who get tattoos don't properly care for them and because it CAN take longer to heal they will stress lotion, and not picking at it. So yea, they may give different information depending on where you go.
aha yess;; i've heard about this idea. now i have an excuse for my parents to get an tatoo instead of wearing the jewlery =) aha. this idea is really neat.
I got one like 3 months after I was diagnosed ( I had also just turned 18 and wanted something) I did not think it through as much as I should have, but I still love it none the less. I have the Medical Alert symbol on my chest and Stay Alive on the top and bottom of it. I wish I would of thought it through more and put type one diabetic (or something to that extent) some where on or near it. So my plan for my next one is the diabetes ribion and putting type one somewhere just so people also know.
I have never used it for an actual alert, but im sure it would work. I always wear my ID just to be on the safe side ;)
and as far as my tattoo artist, he knows I have it and he always asks me before during and after how my sugars are doing. This is just a matter of getting the right artist for you and letting them know, and hopefully they understand!