
If you live in Massachusetts and want to find others that live in your area this is the place!

Hello my name is Sonia and currently live in Fall River, MA . I am 23 years old and have had diabetes since I was 10. Willing to make some diabetic friends... Xoxo SONIA

Hey Sonia!

I live in Brookline during the summer and for part of the winter (basically during school breaks) I'm 19 and have had T1 since I was 11. I am really looking forward to getting to know others who are also struggling with this.

I live in Natick (20 min. west of Boston). My 7-year-old son is T1 and goes to Joslin. It would be wonderful to meet other moms/ kids, or maybe a teenager/ college student who'd be interested in babysitting once in a while.

Hello Sonia!

I'm new to the site. My name is Angela and I have been diabetic for 16 years now. I am 30 years old and i live in western Ma (adams).Hope to talk with you more :)

Hello Angela,


    I dont check this site that often but my email address is if you would like to chat. I also have aim sonsan04. It would also be very nice to meet other diabetics. I know right now in my life i am at the point that I absolutely hate diabetes. i think its because Im 23 and like to go out partying and yet have to be concerned with drinking and controlling my diabetes and I am still trying to get the hang of the pump  which Ive only had for a year now. Did you or do you drink and party? I mean I dont do it every weekend but when I do it sucks.



Hello Diana,



    how is it having a baby with diabetes? Ive been with my boyfriend for 5 years now and we talk about getting married and having a family but I am so scared of having a diabetic baby. I can relate to him/her but I hate that the child is going to go through what I do with highs and lows and constantly checking his/her blood sugar. How is it?

Hi Ariana,


    Where do you go to school? How is it being 19 and having diabetes, for me it wasnt too bad until the past year or so. I think I have reached a point of hating it and the fact that I always have to worry about highs and lows. Hope things are going good for you!

I go to school at Tulane. Diabetes really started to get to me a couple years ago. I've been struggling with it a lot, but I like to think that I am now coming to terms with it (slowly. haha). I hope you get the support you need to get through all this. (It stinks for me too) I also worry about the highs and lows ALL the time . . .  its truely exausting!

Hi everyone,


I'm new to this site but I'm glad to have found it!  My 6 year old son Riley, was diagnosed in September of 2006.  He was 17 months old.  It was quite a surprise at the time.  I remember the doctors telling me that while I was overwhelmed then that after a year or so it would be routine and I wouldn't remember what life was like without diabetes being a part of our lives. 

At the time I couldn't fathom that.  But lo and behold its true.  I don't really remember what life was like before Sept. of 2006.  I also have a 9 year old son who is  very protective of his brother and we live in Methuen, MA.

The stress does however take its toll once in awhile so again I'm thrilled to have found a site like this.

Hey all,

I'm Elie. I'm originally from eastern MA, south shore-ish area, now living in Amherst, MA. I'd love to meet some diabetics from Mass, so feel free to shoot me a message.

Hi Guys,

I'm Sarah.  I go to Fitchburg State and live at school during the school year.  Otherwise I'm from New Hampshire (Swanzey it's near Keene).