Looking for Dexcom g5 transmitters and sensors supplies. Please let me know if you have any left over from an upgrade or even if they are outdated. I haven’t upgraded to the g6 yet and would like to continue on g5 as long as I can. Ill at least pay for shipping. Thanks
@MLKlassen Mallory, welcome “New Member” to the TypeOneNation Forum!
Is there a reason why you don’t use the G6? They are readily available and the cost is no greater than the G5. The G6 also has compatibility wih other devices, and this list is expanding.
Hi @MLKlassen . As @Dennis asked, why not step up to the G6? If you don’t want to use BIQ or CIQ - which are worth considering - you can still use it to track your glucose, and do your own bolusing and corrections. The G6 comes with an optional handheld receiver, but since I still had my G5 receiver I upgraded it - they are not compatible otherwise. And you can use your smartphone as a receiver.
Be careful using expired products. Since Dexcom announced in June that they were discontinuing the G4/G5, you’re not likely to get replacements if you have any issues. It seems they were forcing users to step up to the G6 - a practice I don’t care for but one which I’ve found worth it. If you let us know what your hesitations are we can let you know our experience.
Take care and stay in touch.
I can save money by using my g5 senser up to 3 weeks on average, by just restarting for another session. I have pretty good readings and can tell usually when it’s going bad. When I run out of supplies ill have to switch over to the latest Dexcom cgm, which I’m hoping will be the g7 soon. I’ve had pretty good luck on how I’m doing it. If I can use up other peoples left over g5 supplies ill be happy. Thanks
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