Local event for people aged 18-29 living with diabetes. NEED YOUR HELP!

So when I worked in the box office for my company, one of my co-workers who had just started doing her nursing course, was telling me about how she's learning about diabetes and how to take care of a diabetic in the hospital, etc etc. She asked if I would let her give me an insulin shot one day at work on my lunch break when I need to take one...I of course declined and explained that no one other than myself(even when my mom does it i am nervous) is allowed to touch me with an insulin needle unless I'm in the hospital and physically unable to lift my arm to do it haha.

Well she sent me a message tonight on FB looking for my help, as a year later she's now working with the Diabetes Foundation as part of her program.. and I told her I'd talk about it on this forum to help get her more feedback, and try and give her some ideas in the next day or so.


From my co-worker:

Hey Nat,

Do you remember me telling you that my next practicum is at the Diabetes Foundation? Well my project this term is to organize a small event for "youth" aged 18-29 living with diabetes. I have to find a venue, some speakers, and some sort of social aspect to pull everything together. I was just wondering if you had any ideas of what might be interesting and fun that might draw people in? Or what topics might be interesting to hear from a guest speaker (better to hear from peers? or from specialists? what topics?). So far I was thinking of trying to do it at a coffee shop (like the Spiral cafe or somewhere casual but cool), maybe trying to recruit a band? or advertising it as an art show to draw people in? I have no idea. If you think of anything or have any contacts for me I would greatly appreciate it!

I asked her when the deadlines were for everything:

I meet up with my practicum coordinator again next Wed. They have to put an application in for a grant by next Friday which includes a loose outline.
Thanks so much!

If you guys have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated! I've got so much else to think about right now, I'm afraid I'm going to be totally useless. She's a complete sweetheart so I wanna do whatever I can to help her!

Thanks guys!!

Something like this is a very noble cause. The thing your friend may want to consider is a mixture of both specialist speaker if one can be found and those living with diabetes. However, she would have to be careful in both regards for speakers. Trying to find someone to talk about the challenges facing a type-1 from the medical field needs to come from a person who realizes that he is talking to young adults and we need to be informed, not lectured at, and also not bored to death. When it comes to talks coming from peers, again the person needs to know what they are talking about. Be able to relate to their peers well, and also be a positive influence and role model.

As for topics, I need to think about that.

Sounds like fun. Make it east coast US and I'm down...also hope that I will be referred to as a "youth" when I'm 29 haha

[quote user="Brian"]

Something like this is a very noble cause. The thing your friend may want to consider is a mixture of both specialist speaker if one can be found and those living with diabetes. However, she would have to be careful in both regards for speakers. Trying to find someone to talk about the challenges facing a type-1 from the medical field needs to come from a person who realizes that he is talking to young adults and we need to be informed, not lectured at, and also not bored to death. When it comes to talks coming from peers, again the person needs to know what they are talking about. Be able to relate to their peers well, and also be a positive influence and role model.

As for topics, I need to think about that.



cool i'll pass your comment along :) sadly, i dont think there's a single speaker in this city who wouldn't lecture us! haha


[quote user="Pat"]

Sounds like fun. Make it east coast US and I'm down...also hope that I will be referred to as a "youth" when I'm 29 haha


come here for it :P make it a business trip.

[quote user="Batts"]

[quote user="Pat"]

Sounds like fun. Make it east coast US and I'm down...also hope that I will be referred to as a "youth" when I'm 29 haha


come here for it :P make it a business trip.


that'll be a fun expense report. At least my American dollar is stronger than your Canadian dollar :P

More beer for me! When was this happening? If next year, maybe can arrange it since I'll have more vacation to pull from


Which diabetes foundation exactly? ADA?



Canadian Diabetes Association local office, I'm assuming. There is no JDRF office in Victoria..that I'm aware of.

*does the bump dance*

The bump dance... weird.

Anyway I was thinking two topics that are always good things. If you can bring in a local rep or two to talk about new technologies that are coming out or treatments that have proven to be effective. Another thing though if you can get some local D's or doctors to talk about living on your own. That always seems like a topic that could be talked about. I mean being still in a "school" setting I have back ups around in case of a problem, but those that truly live the solo life how they handle the stresses of it if they have someone that looks in on them stuff like that could be very beneficial.

thanks dude! i'm gonna pass these along to her this morning :)