Keeping records

I am new to this group. My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with T1D almost 6 years ago when she was 18 months old. She has had an insulin pump since she was 20 months old. We have always kept a detailed record sheet. we record Time, BG, amount of carbs, type of food/drink, insulin given, the pump recommendation for insulin, insulin on board and any notes such as exercise or illness. We have a small clipboard that we keep with her meter. This is very helpful for transitioning to and from school and if she has been with a grandparent. My daughter is in the 1st grade. The school nurse, who is full time and usually there thankfully does a great job. As a side note our daughter was also diagnosed with Celiac disease last March and the school and nurse do a good job managing both conditions. However, the nurse and her teacher have made a big push lately for J to record EVERYTHING on her record sheet. I am very frustrated bc she already has to take extra time to test and count out her snack and get separate gluten free food. I don’t think she should have the added responsibility or be singled out. J is the kind of kid who already has a hard enough time completing tasks on time. I know by about 3rd grade she should be pretty independent but until she is able to dose her own insulin etc I don’t think she should have to record everything.
My questions are…when did your children become independent with their care at school? Are any of you dealing with both T1D and Celiac disease? J is the only child currently at her school with T1D and only one other student has Celiac out of about 600 kids. This is a great private school and we sacrifice a lot to send her there so that she will receive good care for T1D and Celiac.

WoW! I am truly sorry you are having such a difficult time, and I feel your frustration. This is solely my opinion. You are the parent, you know what is best and you know that “J” is carrying to much on her shoulders for a 7 year old. I would- revise her 504 plan at school and make it clear that the staff will continue to do the charting for her care. Again this my opinion. I should also point out, that a 7 year is a child and needs to be one and needs to remain “worry free” for as long as possible (T1D children) have enough stress (lows & highs) in life that they do not need extra factors making it tough for them. My daughter is 9 and was recently diagnosed. Granted our battle has not been as long as yours, so I can not give advice as to when is a good age, but until my child learns fractions, multiplication, including formulas and really understands how to plug-in them correctly she WILL NOT be taking over her care. I am sure your 7 year is not even close to these academics. As you had said she does not dose her own insulin. Even with the pump as a great tool, if her BG is high- she may simply may not be able to focus and do what they want her to. Keep strong and it does sound like you have a great school that your child attends! Im sure it will all work out, maybe voicing your concern is all they need to hear.

I agree with Shariza. That is ridiculous to expect a 7 year old to do her own charting! I have two children with T1D. My son was disagnosed at age 2 (he is now 12), and my daughter was diagnosed at age 4 (she is now 7). My son JUST started doing his own charting this year (6th grade), and it has been a challenge for him. I can’t imagine asking my 7 year old to do that!

Our school was pushing for my son do take care of all of his T1 needs independently this year. I spoke with our endocrinology team, and they said that they do not recommend children becoming indepdent (without adult supervision) until at least the age of 16. Apparently, the research shows that when children are given tasks too big for them to handle on their own at an early age, the tasks simply don’t get done, and the child’s health suffers.

Way to go, Mama. I think your instincts are spot on. Good luck!