Joslin Medal Awards

I’m waiting on a letter from the one older cousin who has some recollection, and I just got my letter from my doctor which documents the date I gave her. The instructions said you could use either of those so I’m going the combination will be satisfactory. We shall see - I’ll keep you posted by don’t know how long it takes once you’ve submitted your documents.

Congratulations to all of you inspirational folks with T1. I have 54 years and have beaten the mortality odds by about 11 years, I believe. My doc suggested I apply for the medal, but I sort of thought ho-hum; however learning about the group of medal-holders made me reconsider. Thanks so much for that information and for the link to the form.

I was thirsty and skinny when I was diagnosed in Vanderbilt Hospital ER and was assigned to Dr. Oscar Crofford who directed the DCCT study proving that good control would lessen complications. (Can you believe that fact wasn’t generally known in the early 60s? I wasn’t part of the trial, but I had the benefit of his knowledge about good control–not that I have been able to do it, but I’d give myself at least a B for attempting good control.

Joe, Wanted to share that yesterday I received my 50th year Joslin Medalist Award. Looking forward to applying for the 75th year award. I’ve heard that there is power in positive thinking.

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Congratulations! I’m positive I will receive the letter from my cousin soon so I can submit my application😊.

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There is absolutely power in positive thinking, but you should keep up the good work just in case. Congratulations @Hen51

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@Hen51 I hope you got to listen this afternoon at the on-line TypeOneNation Summit, to Dr. George King, the director of Joslin Medalist Study. In the hour following his formal presentation [video available] he hosted a ZOOM meeting taking questions and giving much insight into diabetes; many Medalists on too.
A real demonstration that being a member of the group has impact far beyond the privilege of hanging a medal around one’s neck. Although I participate regularly in the group discussions, I learned much today that had somehow slipped by my attention.

Dorie, I just love your screen name/nickname! I never applied for Lilly or Joslin longevity, and since was not diagnosed/initially treated in a hospital setting and I know that Dr. Gruver’s surviving records might be hard to dig out, thus Medic Alert is a great idea – thank you.

Sorry I missed it. Hope your post has a link to the pad cast/stream.

William, I won’t be posting any of the transcripts.
You may have seen on the TypeOneNation summit, that recordings, and slides etc. of the entire day’s activity will be available for viewing and download through the end of the year. I haven’t visited the JDRF site following the day, but I expect everything is there for you now.

I am happy to report that I’m sending in my application today! My cousin forgot to sign her original letter and it took a while but I just got the signed one. So my package is complete and in the mail (I know I could have done it online but I wanted to support the USPS). Now to wait. Which is what I’ve been doing anyway.
Anybody recall how long it takes to get your notification of acceptance?

It took approximately 2+ months before I received reply with medal. I had just been thinking that I wasn’t going to resubmit if my application was lost in mail. My medal arrived the same day!

Hi all. I sent the Joslin Center what I had: a copy of an email from MedicAlert indicating the year I first joined them (1963) and I received the medal approximately a month later.

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Congratulations! I’m in waiting mode - looking forward to seeing something in the mail from Joslin in the next few weeks.

Congratulations. On to the next 50.

Can you tell me how to become a member of Joslin Medalists group? I had T1D in 1955 at the age of 9. I considered myself in good medical condition. Stephen Yu

Hi @Stephen’s and congratulations on your diabetes years! Attached is a link you can follow to start the process, of documenting when you were diagnosed. For me it was 1963 and since those records probably disintegrated ages ago, thankfully you can use statements from people who have some recollection. My cousin who is several years older than me had some memories she shared on my behalf.
Take a look at the info and there is an email address if you need to reach out - I reached out to someone for details and got a fairly quick response. I sent my paperwork in about a month ago and hope to hear back soon. Best wishes!

Hello Steohen, here is the link for applying for Joslin medals.

I got my 50 year medal today! I sent the package in the beginning of October, so it took just under 8 weeks.
(My sister was always the award winner in the family so it’s nice to have something she can’t top😆).

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Welcome to the Group, Dorie @wadawabbit

Welcome to the group Dorie & congratulations.