So I am not sure where this should be posted but I had to post it. I'm so irritated at this point.
I am on facebook and one of my applications is a diabetes cause application. Well someone posted something about the way to cure diabetes is to stop eating carbs and that she cured herself of prediabetes by eating a high fat diet. My response to her was that stopping eating carbs does not prevent diabetes nor does eating carbohydrates make you a diabetic (that is what she was trying to get across...carbs = diabetes). Her response back to me was:
Heather, I have thought about it, obsessively, for over 3 years.
I am an award-winning scientist with a Ph.D. And I am pre-diabetic (figured that one out for myself - no doctor ever realized it!) and the daughter and granddaughter of diabetics. What is your evidence for saying that eating carbs is healthy? I don't mean what papers have you read or courses have you taken. I have evidence.
In 2005, I was overweight, exhausted and sick. My triglycerides were 174 and my cholesterol was too low. I read The Diabetes Solution by Richard K. Bernstein and it changed my life (Dr. B is a diabetes doctor AND a diabetic). I cut way back on carbs and I lost 30 lbs in 3 months without being hungry. Now, on my high-fat diet, my triglycerides are 49 (my doctor was astounded), my cholesterol is perfect, I don't get colds anymore even though I stopped taking a multivitamin, I need much less sleep but have tons more energy.
I used to be a carb junkie and it was hard at first to give them up. But would I trade my much improved health and well-being or my hot body (pardon my vanity) for a piece of bread? Not on your life! And if you ask the 10-year-old girl if she'd be willing to give up cake to avoid injecting insulin every day for the rest of her life, I bet she'd say yes.
I did not say that the low-carb way of life cures diabetes. It can PREVENT Type II (Dr. B says that 100% of Type II diabetics are overweight. So if you aren't overweight, you can't develop Type II) and make Type I manageable. It can also prevent a lot of other diseases (see Trick or Treat by Barry Groves who has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science).
Both types of diabetes are related to elevated blood sugar, which is toxic. If you don't eat carbs, your blood sugar will not go up. It's incredibly simple.
And finally, if carbs were necessary, then the Inuit (some people call them Eskimos) would not have survived for thousands of years in the harshest climate on Earth where the only food sources are animal fat and protein.
So basically, I find this person completely ignorant to diabetes. I politely explained to her that eating carbs does not make you fat, that it is the overeating of carbs and other foods sources that make a person overweight and at risk for Type 2 diabetes. Now I truly feel that this person is not as smart as she says she is and she is very conceited. I just had to vent.
I realize that we do tend to have a typically lower carb diet, but we can't cut out all carbs from our diet nor can we rely on fat...obvisously that can lead to many other problems. But oh my goodness how can someone who claims to be an award winning scientist seem so ignorant to the truth. A high fat diet prevents diabetes? Right....
Anyone have any comments?