I think I reached the end of my rope. Woke up yesterday with the blood sugar of 45 and absolutely no food in the house. It’s been raining here for a month and I’ve been stuck inside with no support.So I drove four blocks over in the rain to the store and got some food and some sugary pop. Then when pulling out of the store I get an auto accident. So I never did get any food. Six hours later after getting lost in the worst traffic I’ve ever experienced. I finally got home and my blood sugar was 450. I’m so sick of this I’m thinking probably the best thing I could do was just take about 100 units of Homolog and and shoot directly into my vain or maybe just stop giving myself shots.
I’ve been living with this stuff now for 50 years I think that my family was really disappointed that I haven’t died 20 years ago. Both of my sisters told me that when they got pregnant the first thing they did was to check and see if their kids were going to get diabetes (Because if the kid had diabetes they would have an abortion.) My father being a good German was really making sure that I die alone because if I hooked up with somebody that I would pass on this genetic defect. So what do you guys think?