In order to get the pump i have to write down everything! and i hate it because im really lazy when it comes to that. but i wicked want a pump. does anyone else have this problem??
I hate writing down my numbers too but I have been so I can get a better a1c! trust me it works if you want the pump you have to! Just do it! It will all be worth it in the end!
Do you have a meter that hooks up to your computer? Because I think you can download the results and print them. No writing involved:)
I am with you on the hating to write things down!!! I did it when I first got my pump so that we could figure out my carb to insulin ratio, bolus times and amounts but after that, I have to admit, I haven't done it. That was more than 4 years ago!!!! As long as things are running smoothly and my a1c remains acceptable, I don't worry about it. I, myself, know that my a1c is a pretty accurate number because I don't have wild swings that would also make an a1c look ok.
i use a log sheet i created. it works really well for me. If you want a copy I can definitely email it to you!
If you are able to get a OneTouch UltraSmart meter.
I was always really bad at keeping track cuz I either forgot my logbook or just plain forgot to write it down. two or three weeks before an endo appointment I would panic and try to write down as much as I could..didn't help much cuz it was maybe two tests a day here, or three there, or one there.
The UltraSmart automatically saves the result, gives you the option to input you're health(illness, feeling hypo, etc), if it was before or after or during excerise, and also if it was before/after meals. You put in set hour times for when you would test before a meal and when would be considered after a meal. You also have extra options to add in information about excerise, insulin doses, food intake, etc.
You can also look at the logbook to see what your average is by week, month, etc. Look at graphs, etc etc.
I don't use that extra stuff usually, but it's handy to have nonetheless. Plus, you call them and they will send you a free cd and usb cord so you can hook it up to your computer and print off reports/graphs for your endo or yourself.
My endo is pretty happy with me now, cuz while I do forget to test 2hours after a meal, etc..I at least have more than two weeks of scattered readings written down on a scrap piece of paper!
It's a pretty awesome meter. I love it.
A meter that stores BS is one of the greatest things in the world. I have the One Touch and it is great. But what I did was I created my own spreadsheet in excel and just once a day would sit down and note everything. This way you can also comment on excercise and such. I too could send something your way if you need it.
But writing it down is the lesser enemy in the end.
[quote user="Brian"] I too could send something your way if you need it. [/quote]
Hi Brian,
I would appreciate it if you could send me the spreadsheet... Thanks!
My email:
[quote user="Heather Cole"]
Do you have a meter that hooks up to your computer? Because I think you can download the results and print them. No writing involved:)
i asked for this software and they gave it to me for free, i havent used it yet tho
I too am bad at writing my #'s down. I always end up with half of my sheet blank for the doctor because I've waited too long. I'll write them down after I see my endo but it usually only lasts a week or 2. I take insulin via syringe though.
[quote user="Heather Cole"]
Do you have a meter that hooks up to your computer? Because I think you can download the results and print them. No writing involved:)
I use three different meters (all the same type of meter) on a regular basis: one in my purse for when I'm not at home, one in the kitchen and one in my bedroom. Does anyone know if the software that's available for the meters can take the numbers from three different meters and merge them? If so, then I too would be interested in that kind of logging!
I don't know of a universal way to use one cable for 3 meters, unless they are all the same brand (OneTouch, Bayer, whatever). Then it might work. If you need 3 of the same kind of meter, ask your endo if they have spares they can give you. Companies give away tons of free meters because they make the money off the testing strips. You may have to cut and paste the readings into one file, but as long as the software uses the time of the test you shouldn't have to reorder them after pasting.
Hey, I'm looking for a new log sheet too, do you think you can email me the one you use? I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
My email:
I also do not like to record everything. One Touch meters have a great software to use with their meters but I only use One Touch, so I'm not sure about linking with other brands.
The biggest challenge with me for waiting to record is trying to remember all that I ate or did during the day, what time I did it, why did I have that big cookie with the mocha, etc.
I have also looked for a viable spreadsheet. I am willing to try one from someone who is a T1. My email is: rsdevries1@comcast .net.
Aww thanks you guys, and to some of you my doctor needs to know how many carbs and how many units so if i just download my meter to my commp. that wont really help you know?
And Amanda, I would wicked appreciate it if you did send me the sheet!
my emails
thank you so much :)
It's really wierd. I never had to write down my BS to get my pump.....
[quote user="Katie"]
Aww thanks you guys, and to some of you my doctor needs to know how many carbs and how many units so if i just download my meter to my commp. that wont really help you know?
The OneTouch UltraSmart has that option actually. In the "food" section, you put in how many calories, carbs, etc that you just ate or are about to eat. In the "insulin" section, you put in how much insulin you took(when you set it up, you input what insulin you are on) and if you used both you can put in multiple insulin shot amounts labeled by the type you took. etc etc.
It's REALLY handy, I suggest you check it out cuz it pretty much hits everything you are talking about needing AND it keeps you from having to remember to write it all down, and it's downloadable and printable for your endo.
:) I swear by my Ultrasmart
[quote user="Ryan"]
It's really wierd. I never had to write down my BS to get my pump.....
each endo is different. some may want numbers, some may not. might also have something to do with insurance and making it easier to get everything covered.
my endo asked me if i wanted to try the pump and I straight up said no during that appointment. that was probably over three years ago now. he's never brought up the subject again or tried to get me to re-consider it. the other endo in town might not have done that and kept bugging me to try it.
just depends on your endo.
I hated writing my b.g down 2 i still hate it but my first endo doctor wouldn't even allow me to get the pump well when i turned 18 i got a diffrent endo doctor and she put me on the pump like right away it is much more easier than doing shots everyday.. So i hope u get it