How many U/S did you get?

Hi Ladies, just a quick question.  How many ultrasounds did you get throughout your pregnancy?  I had an U/S at 14 weeks - heartbeat was strong and baby looked good - but am not going back until the end of my 19th week.  Is this break normal?  I thought there was supposed to another ultrasound at 16 and then 20 weeks (and that you had to see your Dr. once a month)?  Just wondering if I should call my Dr and ask to have my appt moved up.

I am 7 weeks and since I was 4 weeks along I have had one every 2 weeks. I have another

Sorry phone cut me off. I have another next Thursday when I am 8 weeks. My blood sugars have been a mess since I got pregnant so they have to monitor me and the baby very closely.

Manymoms just have one ultrasound.  Since a type 1 pregnancy is considered high risk you'll have more.  

The exact number probably depends on the doctor.  

I had one at 20 weeks to determine the baby's gender.  Then at week 36 my doctor requested weekly ultrasounds to keep an eye on the baby's size.  

It's been a while, but think I my OB-GYN appointments were:

Once in first trimester

Monthly from week 16 - 28

Biweekly from week 28 - 36

Weekly from week 36 to delivery

If your doctor doesn't need to see you that's good!  In t last month is takes a lot of time away from work to go to frequent doctor appointments.

thanks ladies!  I guess i was a little concerned because I thought I would have had more so far.  I had one at 5 weeks to determine if i was pregnant, and then another at 14, and then my next is in 2 weeks at 19 weeks.  Thankfully, my numbers have been pretty good, although lately I am running a little high after meals, but my Diabetic Nurse is monitoring that.  My last a1c was a 5.7, so for now, I'm at ease!  

You might already be doing this, but if not try testing about an hour after eating and use your pump's bolus wizard to see if you need a correction.  Requires a little extra testing but it diminshes the post meal spikes.  

Sounds like you and your baby are doing great.  Conratulations to all you expectant moms out there!

At my OB, I had an U/S every two weeks from day 1. Then when I was at biweekly appts I had them 1x a week till birth. I think it really depends on your doctor. My doctors weren't high risk but, I felt like they were with how much they took care of me!

I think it varies from doc to doc and based on how controlled you are.  With both my pregnancies, I had an u/s 1x/month until the last 2 months, and then I had 1/week (plus weekly non-stress tests...)