Home alone

I have the day off from work, so i'm sitting here home alone and the silence is just killing me!!! I just knew i was going to take the day off, put Shyla on the bus, come back in the house, get a cup of coffee and just let my mind RELAX!! But of course, i'm sitting here thinking how's my girl doing? I wonder what her numbers are. I wonder if she is running around like a chicken with its head cut off in PE (like she usually does :)..) I'm sitting here just waiting for the phone to ring so the school nurse can give me her 9am reading. I'm thinking what is that number going to be....OK, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAY OFF AND LETTING MY MIND RELAX!!.......

It's 9:01am as I read this. What was her number?

OK, school nurse just called...Shyla is at 301!! OMG.....they didn't have PE today!! So after all the lows of last week because of PE, then changing her ratio to fit her PE class they have the nerve NOT TO HAVE PE TODAY!! Now we have to deal with the high!! Well, so much for my day of relaxing.....

Does this sound familiar to any of you???????????????

Smile and bear it, cause that little Angel is worth it!!!

sadly that was my life before D with my boys always waiting for the phone to ring. Luckily since moving to this school calls are fewer but I still wait for them. They have absence seizures they dont convulse but it cases them to have accidents often. They have changes of clothes there but sometimes there is more than one accident per day.

Now with Riley its even worse. I am having them test her before PE on top of before lunch. She ran so low all weekend I worry she will be low at school. Tho it seems she runs high at school and low at home so who knows.

lol I just got a call for more clothes cause there spare clothes there disappeared. So off I go again.

Well i just got back from picking Shyla up from school. She went up to 365 and was acting as the nurse said "Weird"....OK, but now that she is home she seems fine to me. Yes, i know she is running high, but she also knew mommy was staying home today. she is a "master" at getting people to believe she is sick when she really isn't. As we speak she is back there playing her Leapster....So then i have to wonder, did i do the right thing by going and getting her. Her keytones where negative and we would have given her extra insulin at lunch to help the high. But i would have been kicking myself if i had left her at school knowing she was that high. I feel like when she is having her highs or lows, i should be the one to deal with them. Not the school nurse. I know i can trust her, but how do i put that burnen on her. Not to mention IF something was to happen i would much rather it happen while she is with me and not at school.................

Well i guess so much for my day off :)...............Just another day in the life of a parent of a type 1 diabetic................

One its the nurses job so you are not burdening her. I went through the same things before we knew Riley was t1. She kept calling home with no fevers. I was irked but it was obvious she wasnt feeling well but we have a rule no fever you go to school. That was set up for one of the boys who would make himself barf to be able to come home. Now I have no clue what I am going to do when she is high or low. We dont correct highs as of right now so yeah no clue. Another thing I will have to think about with all of this. So I cant begin to tell you if you were right or wrong. Not that I could anyhow but I cant share my opinion because I have no clue what my opinion is on this yet lol.

[quote user="My-daughters-my-Hero"]

Well i just got back from picking Shyla up from school. She went up to 365 and was acting as the nurse said "Weird"....OK, but now that she is home she seems fine to me. Yes, i know she is running high, but she also knew mommy was staying home today. she is a "master" at getting people to believe she is sick when she really isn't. As we speak she is back there playing her Leapster....So then i have to wonder, did i do the right thing by going and getting her. Her keytones where negative and we would have given her extra insulin at lunch to help the high. But i would have been kicking myself if i had left her at school knowing she was that high. I feel like when she is having her highs or lows, i should be the one to deal with them. Not the school nurse. I know i can trust her, but how do i put that burnen on her. Not to mention IF something was to happen i would much rather it happen while she is with me and not at school.................

Well i guess so much for my day off :)...............Just another day in the life of a parent of a type 1 diabetic................



You need to find a solution that works for you. Perhaps if you know the cause of the high (for example today not having PE) then have the nurse give the correction, but if she is having keytones then she should come home. 

If you don't know the cause of the high, then maybe have the nurse give correction, but if its not better then she should come home again the keytones still play a role.

Again just suggestions, but you should come up with a system because otherwise your daughter may learn sooner or later that mommy will come get her if her blood sugar is high in which case she could try and be less active in PE or sneak foods to make this happen, etc.

I'm sure there are other parents on here that can give advice too as to what they do in these situations.... good luck!


Well its about 10 minutes after 6 and we finally got Shyla's numbers back in order. She just sat down for dinner and she was at 106, which is a good number. I know the reason for her high was becuase there was no PE. I guess this is just one of those things that are going to happen. I can't expect the school to change its entire day because my child has diabetes. It sucks because i'm the one left dealing with the highs, but what can i really do but suck it up and just do it!! I know if she had PE this morning she would have been totally fine. I did talk to her teacher and she assured me that PE would be on for the rest of the week and she was nice enough to tell me that in the future she would let me know when these types of things will happen at the school. Which i feel better about....So hopefully tomorrow will be better.....But THANKS all for listening and your advice.....

Lets wait and see what tomorrow brings :)

I wouldn't have thought about that no PE thing either. I guess you live and learn and now you'll have a plan in case PE is cancelled.

I wouldn't have picked her up, but I never get time alone at home so maybe it's just me. I don't mean to judge your decision b/c it's hard to say no when the school nurse calls!! It just makes me excited to think of what I could get done here alone, lol. I would have had them correct for the high and go get her if it didn't come down in 2 hours or if she had ketones. I feel like I run high at least once every other day, so she'll eventually to learn to move on or she'll miss too much academics at school.

I hope her sugars are better tomorrow and NO MORE switching the PE schedule. (: Do you have the same problem with playground times b/c that's probably canceled for rain, cold, etc at no notice...

I agree with Sarah AND I am not judging your decision either.  I am the one with D, not my child, so I don't know how it must feel to have such a responsibility. 

My "professional" opinion is to let the school handle it.  I know that your daughter is young, and what I'm about to say may be inapppropriate for her age and maturity level.  She needs to learn how to get through the day feeling crappy once-in-a-while.  I have to do it sometimes, the kids I know at my school have to do it, I'm sure most of the people who are on this site have to do it and (again from a professional perspective) you don't want to teach her that just because her BS is high that she can come home and do what she wants.  I AM SURE that you did not teach her that today, and I AM SURE that everything will be fine, but repeated, she may learn that.  I guess that my biggest concern would be that Shyla would sabotage her BS so that she can come home.  I probably would have done that, but I went to school no matter what.  I know that there were times when I was VERY low and my parents shoved something in my mouth, and as soon as I was up and coherant, dropped me off at school.  I dragged but I got through it and I learned not to use diabetes as an excuse to do less. 

As for the school, it is the nurse's job and the legal responsibility of the school to appropriately manage Shyla's diabetes when she is at school.  It is harder to manage when a child is high because there is more testing, more work, but, that is not your or your daughter's fault.

PLEASE don't take anything I've said as critical.  I just wanted to give you a different way of thinking about things.

I totally agree with both of you..... I think (or should i say i know) the reason i went and got Shyla was because we are so new into our diagnosis and I was just worried about her. Not to mention when i went to pick her up there where 5 other sick kids in the nurses clinic so i fealt as though she really could not give Shyla the attention she needed. the last time the school even had a diabetic child was 8yrs ago. And honestly, i can expect her to just deny the other sick children to only pay attention to mine. I will say this is the FIRST time i've ever gone to get her because of a high. You would have thought i would have been at the school last week when we was dealing with all the lows. I think once we get some time behind us and we are more use to this and have more "experience" dealing with it, then YES she will have to learn to "fight" through that high. Shyla is also fighting a cold right now, and she really did look bad when i picked her up..................... I had actually made the suggestion of just giving her correction insulin. My doctor told me NO. That is not how they want to handle Shyla's highs right now (since she is so newly diagnosed) Personally i don't think it should matter how newly diagnosed you are if you can correct with extra insulin then, correct!!!.......................She and i talked during dinner time and i explained this will probably happen again and mommy CAN'T come pick you up every single time you feel bad. Sometime you just have to get through it and as ususal you will feel much better once its over.

But today is a new day, so all we can do is try it again!!...........................

Again thanks and trust i appreaciate what each and every person says because it DOES give me different ways to think about things and you all are forever bringing up things that i would have never thought up. So, i am really appreciative for all your post :).....


Man I really wish you had the same clinic that I have for my daughter.  We were dropped right into correcting for highs and treating for lows and counting all the carbs and covering them with the insulin.  We went in for our first follow up appointment and it went remarkably well.  I love the way they have her treatment plan.  It allows for so much flexibility and freedom.  It has meant that her numbers have been in range for about 84% of the time over the last 2 weeks.  So if you have to push them to try something different, your her mom you know her best.  Or get a second treatment plan opinion from a different doctor, if your insurance would cover it.

If her PE is early in the morning you might just want to give her a larger breakfast that day and not adjust by insulin. Or maybe just send her with a prepackaged snack and have her eat it just before PE and adjust insulin for a non-PE day (that way if she doesn't have PE she doesn't have to eat it and avoid a high). Just a thought. Being a parent of a Type 1 can be very frustrating. You should commend yourself for you patience.