Happy Birthday! Juvenation is two years old!

It's a special occasion indeed: We launched juvenation two years ago on World Diabetes Day. You guys have made this site grow so splendiferously - now we're in our terrible two's.

Virtual slice of cake to each and everyone of you (no worries, it has zero carbs)!

~ Red Maxwell
(volunteer founder of juvenation)

follow me on my intermittently updated blog at Daddybetes.com


Happy birthday to Juvenation!!

And THANK YOU for making this site--it has totally changed my outlook on this battle... I'm no longer alone in this fight!!

Happy Birthday, Juvenation! Yay! :D

I will have a big temper tantrum in honor of our terrible two's. Yay, Juvenation!!!!

woo hoo!

My thoughts exactly!!


Wow! Juve is only two years old? Juve has a large membership for such a short time online. I may be kinda old (71) for a site where the average age is twenty something, but I like it here. It makes me feel younger being here. Nothing wrong with that!

Happy Birthday Juvenation!!!

Happy B-Day Juvenation.

Happy Birthday Juvenation site. I believe we would not have these if we have a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Happy Birthday Juvenation !

Happy B-day!  I'm with Melinda--it's so fantastic to not feel alone anymore.  Hip, hip, hooray for Juvenation!

[quote user="Richard Vaughn"]

Wow! Juve is only two years old? Juve has a large membership for such a short time online. I may be kinda old (71) for a site where the average age is twenty something, but I like it here. It makes me feel younger being here. Nothing wrong with that!

Happy Birthday Juvenation!!!


Ha ha!  Richard, you're not alone...  at 41, I think I'm at the same end of the bell curve when it comes to the age factor!  But like you, I get so much out of the different perspectives represented on this site. 

Happy Birthday Juvenation!!!!!  Thank-you for this wonderful outlet - and thanks also for the "cake"!  Yummy!

Juvenation is the best-behaved toddler I've ever met.  :)  I'm so glad it's here.

Congratulations!  Hope all is well.

Glad to see the community is thriving!


happy happy birthday juvenation!

Happy Birthday Juvenation !!!! Thank you for being here for all of us.You have made a difference in our lives ..