Grandparent of TID Child

My wife and I were just told by our daughter that our 9 year granddaughter was taken to the hospital and diagnosed w/tid. We love our granddaughter very much and want to be supportive to our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter but don’t want to be imposing.

Can anyone advise us on what we can do to help without interfering. We a are strong, close and loving family and will pray for our granddaughter. But was wondering what particular steps we can take during this new and early diagnoses.

I would suggest telling them what you just told us, “We want to help, but don’t want to interfere or impose.” They are probably going through a lot of emotions right now, questioning the future life of their child. If they have other children, maybe offer to watch them so they can attend doctor’s appointments and trainings with just your granddaughter. If you’re willing, offer to go through this time together. I know that when I was diagnosed in 1982, at the age of 2, my mom wasn’t comfortable leaving me with anyone but her and my dad, because they were the only ones who knew “how to take care of me”, with my injections and eating schedule.

Thank. We did offer to help in any way they choose for us to help. And we offered to watch her sister for them. Today is the first day after receiving the news and they are handling as best as one can.

I am trying to learn as much ad I can about tid without asking them to much are now, for I di understand it is a lot for them to grasp.

What do you think of my idea. And it is only an idea about starting a funraiser to fund new TID cure research.

I think you initiating a fundraiser, at this point, may be too much for your daughter and granddaughter. I fear they might think that they need to help organize/plan, and that’s another thing to focus on, on top of learning all about diabetes. I would think maybe approach them with the idea after the initial shock is over. Your granddaughter may feel very empowered by the idea, especially if she’s allowed a lot of the decision-making.

@powvens @bjperla

I think you are correct with this approach. It’s best to let the dust settle and see what you can do when issues come up - they may not.

Having T1, my mother was not so responsive to “let me tell you what to do.” But I am sure she called and spoke to family often for support.

Your granddaughter still has a lot to digest.


Hi there!
I think that fundraising initiatives are great but not right away. Your daughter is likely to think you just don’t get it and are looking for a quick fix for this. It is a difficult time so a slow approach to discussing a cure is best.
At this point your 9 year old grandaughter is being taught what food has carbohydrates in it and how to measure carbs and servings of carbs. She has a goal range for meals and snacks- your daughter’s focus will be on making sure she is getting the right servings of carbs throughout the day and that she is taking doses of insulin to match the amount of carbs she is eating,
If you are not already knowledgeable about the nutritional components of food or how to read food labels - contact your local JDRf and have them connect you to some resources. It will help that you are your grandaughter speak the same " food language"
You can tell your daughter about this forum and that through these parents you are learning a lot- she should join in too!
Finally, you can tell her that you have learned that this stage is about “mapping” the child’s insulin needs and that in time the counting and measuring becomes less rigid - if she is struggling with how she is going to manage all of this - you have been told that flexibility is in the near future and that the work she is doing now will really pay off


My daughter (3) was diagnosed last summer. I have to say that the best thing my parents did was learn how to care for my daughter as well. I have found when they aren’t able to watch her, I am really strapped because it is such a huge responsibility for anyone to take on. And one for me to trust someone with. Doing some research online can be helpful. I have found both JDRF and the American Diabetes Association helpful.