Grandmother of type 1 child

My granddaughter is 3 and has just found out that she is diabetic.  Is this young?

Nope, not too young, challenging I'm sure though.  My friend's daughter was diagnosed when she was a baby and my sister's co-worker's son was also diagnosed at age 3.  There are many parents on this site who also have diabetic children at such a young age. 

Best wishes to you and your granddaughter and her parents.

My son was four when he was diagnosed and I know of several that are even diagnosed as babies. Sad.. sad... story indeed!

My only answer is that's not too young. I myself was diagnosed when I was 11, but I know a boy that was diagnosed when he was 2. It is different for everyone, and my family has often told me we are blessed I was diagnosed when I still had them as support. Maybe your grandchild is even more blessed to have a family to support her so young while she goes through this.

More importantly, what I really clicked on this post to write, is just a note. My grandparents have always been great with diabetes. When I was diagnosed they were out of town, so they sent me a stuffed animal that was a dog in the mail. They have always been supportive of me, and I love them to death for it. My grandma has always been interested in the pump-stuff. She was one of the first people I showed the infusion site to. She's given me nutrition facts books, read food labels for me, offered me foods when I'm low, cheered me up the first couple of times I visited after being diagnosed with special projects... I really appreciate her effort. My grandpa is a type 2 diabetic, and he has been amazing as well. He's given me one of his old meters, which was special to me because it felt like a connection that my grandpa and I, and not any of my other family members, shared. We've talked carbs. We've talked blood sugars. We've talked A1c's. I've usually got him beat there :) In a way, I actually find it kind of cute, all the efforts they make :) My grandma has even gone looking for classes she can take at libraries about juvenile diabetes :)

Writing this up makes me realize how appreciative I am of all they do, and listing it all makes me really take notice of how much that really is. It also makes me want to e-mail them; I'll head there next. I don't think I've ever thanked them for being so accepting and helpful with this. Its definitely time I do that :)

All in all, my point is I hope this is something like what you will do for your grandchild. I hope you stay involved, accept them, and constantly show them you care by helping. Another thing: I've always found it helpful when my grandparents know what they're talking about, which it is a rare occasion where they don't. And clearly you already know, as you've found this site. So kudos to you, and thanks for the post.

Your question has influenced me to let my grandparents to know how much I appreciate their support :)

- Alyssa

While the experience of having others around you who understand what you're going through is such a blessing, it is always with a heavy heart that I say 'welcome' to someone who will have to live with Diabetes or care for someone who does.

The most important thing you can do is make sure you understand that there are huge differences between Type 1 and Type 2, how they are managed, how they are onset, how it affects life.  

Your granddaughter is almost gauranteed a Type blame here, nothing done to cause it by anyone.

Our son was four when diagnosed, and we have friends with a daughter diagnosed at 18 months.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like here..definately a safe place.

Is your family connected with the JDRF?  Have you been given good resources?

Hopefully this will come out the right way, but in my opinion it's better to be diagnosed when you're younger like that so that you don't have to go through the freedoms of childhood then be hit with diabetes after being so used to your "normal" life.  I was diagnosed when I was 2, so I know no way of life other than one with diabetes.  Of course it was frustrating going through elementary school being the one different child, but by that point I was already used to it so I thought nothing of it.

I know that I wouldn't have been able to get through those younger years if it weren't for the help and support of my parents and grandparents.  They guided me through it and gave me the strength to get through it all.  Your granddaughter is lucky to have a grandma like you looking out for her.  Just give her all the love and care she deserves and she'll make it through just fine.

My daughter was 22 MONTHS when she was diagnosed.  They say even infants can get type 1.  I do feel that in some ways we were lucky she was young as she's been able to learn about a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy foods at a really young age. Less bad habits to break in a toddler.

I have to agree in a sense with Brian. Being young and having the diagnosis is completely different than it happening later in life. At a young age it is easier to cope with changes in life and it will become a routine and part of every day life. You can also still "train" your mind easier to certain things. While those who were diagnosed later especially I feel for those in High School dealing with all of the other changes induced by puberty it makes life difficult. That would be an interesting study to see. If those diagnosed younger have an easier time later in life in continues maintence versese those that were diagnosed later in life.

I would have to agree with what Brian Q. said. I was diagnosed at 21 and my little brother was diagnosed when he was 8 and we compare notes on it and I would've much rather have "gotten it" when I was younger, because it's harder to go be 21 and not be able to "party" as much as you would like and it's hard to go from being completely healthy to BAM everything in your life changes. Of course when I found out I also had fallen off of a horse and had broken bones too, then 3 weeks later had a diabetic seizure and rebroke bones and broke more. So let's just say my diagnoses was not a fun journey, not that is for anybody. July of 2009 will be a month I will NEVER forget!!!!

I also agree that it's easier to change habits when you're younger because you don't get used to the freedom of doing whatever you want. I was 19 when I was diagnosed in February and it changed a lot and came as a huge shock to me!

I was 3 when I was diagnosed - 32 years ago. I'll tell you being a diabetic today is a lot easier than being a diabetic in the 70's .  Today's technology (not to mentions the vast amount of sugar-free food) is almost unbelievable to me.  (Of course, I wish it was better.  A cure would be nice :).  I agree younger is better.  Candy and junk food was never given to me so I never developed a taste for it.  As long as the parents and family focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and educate themselves about the disease, your granddaughter will grow up to be just as strong and healthy as anyone else. 

As everyone has said, it is not young, my son was diagnosed 6 months ago and he is 5.  You are the best for finding Juvenation and asking that first question.  Don't stop.  Ask every question you can think of and then ask more.  Read all the books that you can get your hand on, that is what my Mom is doing and she is the only person that I have as a true friend and support right now.  She is also a great friend to my son and she understands and is the only one I trust to leave my son with so I can get out of the house.  This is a tough time for the entire family and you will be a helping hand, bless your heart!

i'm way late on this one (par for the course).

i read an article about a a 6 month old that wore a pump in a little backpack. there's never a "too young." however, it's always tragic to hear.