Girlfriend's & Boyfriend's

I was thinking of how people with GF or BF how did u tell them that u were a diabeic i want to kown because my boyfriend does not kown and I want to tell him and I may see him sunday.

hey ,
i just told my boyfriend i have diabetes .. he took it well , he still loves me (: aha . but anyways , what i did was call him and just start off the conversation normally . then just say something like "okay , i actually called you because i need to tell you something." after he starts listening , you could say something like "okkay , i have diabetes . iv had it for a while but i didnt no how to tell you . sorry for not saying something beforee baby " he'll be fine with it (: trust mee . good luck ! (:

[quote user="bri marie (:"]

hey ,
i just told my boyfriend i have diabetes .. he took it well , he still loves me (: aha . but anyways , what i did was call him and just start off the conversation normally . then just say something like "okay , i actually called you because i need to tell you something." after he starts listening , you could say something like "okkay , i have diabetes . iv had it for a while but i didnt no how to tell you . sorry for not saying something beforee baby " he'll be fine with it (: trust mee . good luck ! (:



Bri I would love to just call him up but i dont have his number and because I have not see him in about 2 mouth's i think i was going to see him today but I did not see him he did not come to church

I didn't really tell him. I was at a friends house and got low. He asked me if I was okay and I told him that I was low and asked if he could get me a soda. He was confused but got me one anyway and then after  I explained to him that I had diabetes

[quote user="Jaimie Rose Chaffin"]

[quote user="bri marie (:"]

hey ,
i just told my boyfriend i have diabetes .. he took it well , he still loves me (: aha . but anyways , what i did was call him and just start off the conversation normally . then just say something like "okay , i actually called you because i need to tell you something." after he starts listening , you could say something like "okkay , i have diabetes . iv had it for a while but i didnt no how to tell you . sorry for not saying something beforee baby " he'll be fine with it (: trust mee . good luck ! (:




Bri I would love to just call him up but i dont have his number and because I have not see him in about 2 mouth's i think i was going to see him today but I did not see him he did not come to church


ohh ): that suckks . have you two texted orr something at all ?

You should be close enough to the person you're dating that they should know BEFORE you start dating. I mean if you are afraid to tell him/her about a big part of you then you must not be that close. And it probably means you weren't friends first. I'm not gudging at all and I really don't want you all to get mad at me, I'm just saying.

I deff think it's a good idea to tell your bf about ur diabetes. I can't really give u my advice, but I have ideas. I've only had diabetes for 11 months, and my 1st boyfriend i had as a diabetic, was diabetic also. So it kinda worked out for me. but you really don't have to say anything at all. You could just casually check your blood sugar in front of him, and I;m sure he'll have a bunch of questions, but just tell him you have diabetes. I know he'll be fine with it. Guys don't really think to deeply about that stuff. hahahha.

Thanks guys, for ur help. I m hoping to see him maybe this weekend at a swining thing with my youth group. I can tell him than or on sunday my friend will give him a letter I wore myself about me having diabetes but I just kind of told him that I have diabetes. I hope to see him saturday.

Just thought I would tell u guys how it want about telling Kody. Well he sent me a letter and said that he kown that about me. He also said that just because I have D does not chang the way he feels about me. I thought that was so sweet of him to say.

heey, dont even make a big deal out of it beacuse really it isnt a big deal well, it is but you know what i mean :P okay, so just be like, hey, so i kinda have type on diabetes, he might be like ha. your joking right? buut diabetes shouldnt make a difference in your relationship. your normal, you just have to take shots and check your blood. tell him that.

i hope this helped. dont stress about it, itll bring your blood sugar up :P:)


Someone should know that about you before you date them! For the simple fact, if your blood sugars go low or too high and something happens where you pass out.. how would he know what to do or what was going on. If your boyfriend is a good guy, hell accept it and want to educate himself so he can somewhat understand it. Its so common now a days though that he should be accepting.


haaha wanna here something funny?? im texting this guy right as we speak and he wants to hook up with me and he just asked me.. wait you have diabetes right i was like ya and hes like am i gunna get it if we make out.. IM SO AMBRASSED,,, i was like ughh no its not contasious

OMG that is way funny :P yah before me and this guy started going out (we're just friends now) he knew before-hand that I was diabetic. There isn't anything wrong with not telling them right away that you're diabetic because it's not exactly the first thing you say to a person, but it makes things SOO much easier. That way they already know and are aware of it.