First breakup

i am going through my first breakup..just thought my friends on Juvenation would have some advice on how to get through it.

Hi Lauren, sorry to hear about that.  I don't' have any good advise, except don't isolate - it always helped me to go out with my best friends whan something like that happened.

Time will heal the hurt!!! Me, I've working on my third divorce and it doesn't get any easier. LOL Think good thoughts for you!!!

i am planning to spend the next week with some close friends.. i havent talked to ex since it happened. i think it's best i keep a distance from him for a while. i need some time to think about what i want and not what everyone else wants.

[quote user="Lauren"]

i am planning to spend the next week with some close friends.. i havent talked to ex since it happened. i think it's best i keep a distance from him for a while. i need some time to think about what i want and not what everyone else wants.


Good for you!!!!!


Keep yourself with people who love and care about you!  Get involved in something to redirect your attention....Exercise!  Read!  Shop!  Volunteer!  Time will also help heal wounds!  Be the great person that I am sure you are and someone will be knocking on your door again soon!  There are many fish in the sea!!!

You are so young! You gotta remember that you are weeding through the bad ones right now so you will know who is right for you when you are older! :)

[quote user="Abigail117"]

You are so young! You gotta remember that you are weeding through the bad ones right now so you will know who is right for you when you are older! :)




I was 24 when I went through my first break-up. We were together a long time and shared a lot of experiences together, but I realize the experience wasn't for nothing. It helped me figure out a lot of things about myself, who/what I'm looking for, and what my goals are in life. Dating and breaking up with someone can be a painful experience but it is never not worth it. It is always a learning opportunity. As everyone else has said, your friends and time will help you. We're thinking about you, and we all understand how hard this is for you. Keep your chin up - this too shall pass. :o)

thanks for all the kind and encouraging words. i went shopping with some friends today and i had a great time..i didnt think about my ex, eric, one time..