Fellow T1D's Dissertation Recruitment


My name is Alexa Barcena. I have had T1D for 18 years, and I am working on obtaining a PhD in Clinical Health Psychology. Because of my own experiences with diabetes and the emotional impact related to diabetes, I have chosen my area of specialty to be diabetes psychology. I am conducting my dissertation on a group of individuals with T1D, using a behavioral, relaxation intervention to determine if it can increase hypoglycemia confidence and decrease diabetes distress. I am doing this virtually because of COVID-19.

Here is some more information:
The purpose of this study is to research whether a method of paced breathing, called Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback, or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) will be more effective in increasing your confidence in managing low blood sugar and decreasing diabetes distress. This type of paced breathing helps regulate the part of your body responsible for “fight or flight.” Regulating this response has been shown to decrease anxiety, fear, sadness, and many other emotions. This type of paced breathing has already been shown to improve cardiac functioning, chronic pain, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, ADHD, anxiety disorders, and depressive disorders. Now, we are looking to see if it will improve type 1 diabetes outcomes. The hope is that, at the end of this 1-month period, you will have more confidence when managing low blood sugars and experience less diabetes distress. Additionally, HRV Biofeedback has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. You will be compensated $40 for your participation. Please note that your choice to engage or not engage in this study will in no way impact your current treatment with your providers.

If you are interested in treatment, you may email Alexa Barcena, MA at abarcena@alliant.edu. Here is a website where you can gain more information about the study (and also may contact Alexa): https://acarter42.wixsite.com/biofeedback4diabetes.

Please let me if you would like to participate.

All the Best,