Okay, so I've had the pump for almost 3 years now, and I've mostly been putting the site in my stomach. I want to do some new places, because I really hate the scars that have come from doing the same place over and over
What are some of your favorite/ least favorite places to have the site?
Ive been pumping for 6yrs now and I know what you mean about site rotation. Ive tried my thighs but I didnt like it when I was sleeping at night(to uncomfortable in certain sleeping postions) so I use my stomach to and I find its the best place for me. What I do is one site will be on the right side and then the next change I put on the left side. It seems to be not to bad, but I would be interested to see what others have to say about what areas they use for sites.
My brother has been on the pump for about 3 or so years now and the only place he puts it is on his stomach. The endo says he can put it on his thigh but its pretty much all muscle for him. So the site wouldn't go in. Another place they told him to try was his lower back closer to the side. But he didn't like that so much either because he is so skinny. It is very hard for him sometimes to change his set because his stomach gets hard from where he always uses it but he does switch sides on his stomach.
i have been on the pump for 9 years now and my best and favorite site is on the back hip area. Not right on my rear end but at the top. I started using it there 5 years ago during my first pregnancy and found it very comfortable. I do rotate and use my belly too but I absolutely love the back hip area. I don't know its there and it never gets in the way. I tried the legs and hated it because i always seemed to bump it and then it would get sore and irritated. So for me, its the back side, almost.
I use a Minimed pump with 13mm Silhouettes and Sure-Ts. Sure-Ts are great for arm sites and lately I've been reaching around and slapping them into my back! Not too far back obviously; only as far as my arm can reach. I use Sils in my upper & lower abdomen. My upper abdomen is the most sensitive and sites get very itchy there in the summer so I'll have to back off that area soon. Lower abdomen is least sensitive.
I've tried leg sites without much success. Also haven't had luck with the upper butt area.
I rotate my pump sites around my body- I’m a very skinny person so putting it on my thighs/lower back doesn’t work.
My favorite/routine sites for CGM and Pump are:
inside and outer upper leg (knee up)
stomach (though in the summer it tends to sweat off- literally)
inner and outer upper arm (I often stick my pump in the general area where I put my cgm, just on the other side of my arm. Like my cgm will be on the outside and my pump just below it on the inside.)
anywhere I used to take shots works great for pump
I like to put my cgm and pump sites on the same side of my body (for example pump on right leg, CGM on right arm) so when I sleep I only sleep on my stomach, back, and one side, and so that I just know which side of my body to be more careful with when walking down busy hallways/changing my clothes. I don’t move around much when I sleep and have pretty much trained myself just to sleep on one side.
One trick I’ve learned for testing sites is to gently but firmly pinch where you want to inject the cannula, then tighten the muscles in that area. If the skin/fat tries to pull away from or tightens under your fingers, the area probably has more muscle than fat and might not be the best site (but that might just be me!) I’ve found that even moving my site over by 2-3 cm (3/4-1 inch) can mean difference between painful, less absorbent sites and pain free sites that last 3+ days.