Everyone should be able to start a conversaion with everyone!

Idk if anyone else agrees with me but i believe we should b able to start a conversaion with anyone. I have many people i have to tlk to through comments because they r like a couple years older than me and it gets very frustrating because sometimes we dnt want other people reading our conversation. i think we should have it where everyone can start a convo with anyone they r friends with!!

Anyone agree???

that restriction was put in place due for safety reasons a while back Amber

Yaaa i understand that but its really frustrating not being able to tlk to people u used to. i think it should be took off and if there is a safety problem with someone on ur list take them off or dnt tlk to thme

sometimes its not as easy as that, and being a website that has both young and older individuals its a common practice to do something like this. there was a thread about this whole thing..i'll see if i can dig it up..that lead to this restriction.

umm alright


Amber, you can friend someone who is older and then have conversations with them. But, I don't mean to sound like your Mom or anything, but please be careful of anyone you meet online. There are reasons safety measures are put in place. I noticed you mentioned friending someone recently that made me concerned for you. Just, be aware that you're online. Thanks!

[quote user="Sarah"]

Amber, you can friend someone who is older and then have conversations with them. But, I don't mean to sound like your Mom or anything, but please be careful of anyone you meet online. There are reasons safety measures are put in place. I noticed you mentioned friending someone recently that made me concerned for you. Just, be aware that you're online. Thanks!


actually you cannot have a conversation anymore. you can still add someone older, but the option for someone under 18 to have a conversation with someone over 18 is gone.

oh, i must have missed that!

i guess only you other old people can talk to me now. (; lol.

[quote user="Amber Buller"]

Idk if anyone else agrees with me but i believe we should b able to start a conversaion with anyone. I have many people i have to tlk to through comments because they r like a couple years older than me and it gets very frustrating because sometimes we dnt want other people reading our conversation. i think we should have it where everyone can start a convo with anyone they r friends with!!

Anyone agree???



I feel the change is good. I am daddy and so to be grandpa, I don't want just anybody talking to my little girl(she's 25 now), to many prev's(LOL) out there.

I have a rule for me, I'll be a young person's friend, only if they request it as I am a 53 old man.



Sarah thanks for looking out for me! I only want it changed back because i had met someone who was older than 18 on here before they changed it and i really miss tlking to her. she was awsome! Thats all.  and seriously right there every single one of u just called juvenation a site full of bad people. if its like that like u guys make it sound then it should be shut down! U guys ar automatically considering every person to be some creeper! IM sorry but i have met my bestfriend on here! Not everyone is a bad person!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Amber,The sad truth is not everone is a good person-Gina talked about reasons for this rule in blogs-Safety on Juvenation.

I've read the Safety blog from Gina and the post that triggered it.... and I don't get it.

First of all, older people and younger people can learn from each other as (in my experience) i've found older people less accustomed to pumps/new technology and younger people are using this stuff....  just an example

Secondly, there is no way to enforce it.  I could change my age to 13 or 95 by going to Edit-->Birthday

The internet (and pretty much every forum on it) require you to be your own advocate and protect yourself.  I don't see why this forum should sacrifice helpful information exchange to be an exception to the rule.


You are correct Brady that younger and older people can learn from each other but that is where the posts and blogs come in.  If the conversation is in an open forum, it's more safe than a private conversation.   You are also right that we cannot enforce and catch everything but they do their best.  There are people on here who keep a constant eye on things.   We do have to protect ourselves, but there are younger people who may not know how to do that yet - or be more trusting than they should.  I don't want to think that someone would be on here just to be a predator but it is possible.   You also have to think that JDRF has to try to protect themselves as well.  It's a large foundation and subject to legal issues which will just take money away from research.

Your right Doug. I wasn't thinking about open conversation vs. private conversation. I was just thinking of infromation exchange in general.

Exchanging information on the open forums will have to suffice for us diabetics...

[quote user="Amber Buller"]

Sarah thanks for looking out for me! I only want it changed back because i had met someone who was older than 18 on here before they changed it and i really miss tlking to her. she was awsome! Thats all.  and seriously right there every single one of u just called juvenation a site full of bad people. if its like that like u guys make it sound then it should be shut down! U guys ar automatically considering every person to be some creeper! IM sorry but i have met my bestfriend on here! Not everyone is a bad person!!!!!!!!!!!


I wasn't saying that the site is full of bad people Amber, I don't believe it is, but it's still an internet forum and regardless you have to be precautious. The company/organization/whomever put the site together also has to be precautious and ensure the safe use for all ages, as well as cover themselves legally if something does happen.

hey Amber- If you and someone who is over 18 (like the one you had previously been talking to) really need to talk to each other in a more private format you can use other media like facebook chat/ gmail chat.

Brady! I feel exactly what u said!!

Brady! I feel exactly what u said!!

Amber -

Here is the Blog that Gina posted about safety.
