Driving and HIGHS?

So, I know that you never drive low.  But what about high?  Do you have any personal thresholds?

My son is learning how to drive.  His dad does this with him.  Today was the first time I rode in the backseat to get an idea of what it is like.  It turns out that my son was also high.  He was in the 300s before a quick dinner, then in the upper 200s while driving to dance.  My husband noted afterward that our son was slightly more erratic than usual.  He was also more argumentative in response to verbal driving corrections.  And we wonder if these two things were perhaps connected to the high blood sugar.

At any rate, I know from our little experience just now that I'm not ready to be riding with him yet.  He's not far enough along.

But let's discuss the high issue.

unless i'm like 25 or higher, i don't notice a difference..but i only notice at that point because i don't feel well. i routinely make sure i'm above 10 when i head out on a trip that will take longer than an hour on the highway IF i'm driving, as I tend to go low when i drive on the highway due to nerves probably, if i'm driving for longer than an hour.

as someone who did for a short period of time have a parent teach them to drive...being high and having a parent telling you what to do when you're driving does NOT mix. I ended up taking private lessons, because even when i wasn't high...my mom teaching me to drive was not a good experience for either of us.

it could also have been your presence in the car on top of the high. along with just not being a good passenger, my mom made me VERY nervous and until last year (5years after learning to drive) my driving was a lot worse when she was in the car. my first lesson with a private instructor was great, but when i tried to drive with my mom in the car a few lessons later, i made a LOT of mistakes.

but generally, my blood sugars range so much daily, that sometimes i'll drive and i'm 7..other times i'll drive and i'm 20. i dont notice a difference in my driving ability.

[quote user="Angie13"]

At any rate, I know from our little experience just now that I'm not ready to be riding with him yet.  He's not far enough along.


this made me laugh :o)


I don't have a threshold for highs, just lows. I know I can be a complete crankypants when I'm high, but it doesn't affect my driving. Does your son typically have altered moods when his BGs are high? When his blood sugars are out of whack, he could be more emotional which makes taking directions from parents, even in a learning situation, more difficult for him. He could also be nervous :o) I would think as long as he is checking his blood sugars before he is driving, he will be okay. There's a lot running through a teenagers mind when they're learning to drive... mostly "don't screw up. don't screw up. don't screw up."

I've never had a problem driving high either. It's like driving with a mild cold -- you don't feel great but it wouldn't affect your driving.

I guess you're making him nervous Mom. (: (: I still get nervous driving w/ my Dad to this day, lol.

[quote user="Angie13"]My husband noted afterward that our son was slightly more erratic than usual.  He was also more argumentative in response to verbal driving corrections.  And we wonder if these two things were perhaps connected to the high blood sugar.[/quote]

haha.  His behaviour was probably due to the "verbal driving corrections"! Learning to drive is very stressful and I doubt it was related to his sugars.

I know that for me, stressful driving will cause my sugars to rise.  When I do long-distance driving (ie. 2hrs+), I need to take more basal.


With my daughters mood swings now at age 10 if they are the same at driving age she will not drive over 200 maybe 250 oi she would crash into people if they mad her mad. 

me never.