Does your baby kick when your sugars are high?


I am 27 weeks pregnant with T1. I have been noticing that my little girl kicks when my sugars are high for the past 1-2 months now. She also drops to the lowest part of my uterus when my sugars are low.

When my little one was 5-5 1/2 months, she would kick very quickly when my sugars were high - a very rapid constant kick. Now at 7 months, she kicks, kicks hard, kicks alot, and moves around alot when my sugars are high. 

My endocrin says, "She can probably just feel her pancreas kick in. This should stop when you are further along." This was when I was 5 1/2-6 months. I am now almost 7 months.  My nurse says, "She seems very in tune with her mother. She can feel her mother's highs and lows." I don't buy it. It's not just a coincidence. I will eat an ice cream bar or a cookie or drink some juice and she will not kick like crazy if my sugars are within in range. But any time my sugars are around 145 and going up, she starts kicking - kicks hard, kicks a  lot, and moves around a lot. Has anyone else experienced this during their pregnancy? I am very concerned.


I am almost 26 weeks pregnant and my baby has become quite a kicker. My blood sugars are rarely over the 120 mark so that hasn't influenced her kicking in me. Like most regular women, when I do eat a starchy or sugary meal, that is when she becomes more active. I can tell when I am low and my blood sugar starts to come up, she will start to perk up too. I think every woman is an individual, and one baby may respond to things differently than someone else's. I wouldn't be too concerned if the doctors are saying she has been developing normally and they are saying you both are healthy. I would ask your high risk ob and see what they say about it. 

That is funny to hear someone else say because I told my husband that the baby kicks more when my sugars are high. He jokes that it's like giving the kid Mt Dew. My sugars are in very good control, but the occasional highs do seem to elicit additional energy on the part of the baby. Nice to know I'm not alone (and neither are you)!