Do You Eat Halloween Candy?

We ran an article this morning on Diabetes News Hound offering tips to parents of children with diabetes on how to avoid focusing on candy on Halloween. You can read it here: Tricks to Make Halloween a Treat for Kids with Diabetes.

I was wondering what everyone in here does on Halloween regarding sweets. Do you cheat? Do you focus on other aspects of Halloween, such as dressing up and watching scary movies?


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My son is 3 and I plan to let him keep all of his candy. (except for the pieces I sneak for myself) :) Last year when he was done trick-or-treating I separated the candy into 2 buckets. He was allowed to choose one from the "free" bucket between meals and had to wait for lunch or dinner to choose from the other bucket. He ate candy twice a day until it was gone, but he didn't have all that much to start with because he spent more time playing at the park with other kids than trick-or-treating.

i've always eaten halloween candy.


in fact..i'm in CHARGE of the candy bowl at my office, and i get in trouble if it runs dry! yesterday, i had to go out and buy three bags of those assorted halloween chocolates just because the rockets our finance assistant brought in were all gone and the bowl was empty. haha.

yea but im limited 2 one sandwitch baggie a day

I do.  In fact I ate some last night.  I just eat a couple of things.  Not enough to have too big of an impact.  If I get carried away I may take a few units.

I'm not sure I'm fond of the phrasing "Do you cheat?".  This insinuates that somehow, I'm not "allowed" to eat candy...  as long as I know what the carb count is, I can have whatever I want, within reason.  I realize candy isn't the most optimal choice, nutrition-wise, but hey, I'm human.

That's exactly what I was going to say Kim!! "Cheat"?? Is it 1985? Come on! No one should eat a lot of candy, so why not post this on a non-D website?

EXACTLY! No one should eat a lot of candy. No one should be deprived of it either. And sugar-free doesn't make a bit of difference 'cause it usually still has carbs in it. If you're going to indulge in sweets, and you're gonna need insulin anyway, get the good stuff!

I don't eat Halloween candy, in fact I don't eat candy at all. My reasons for this are not diabetes related. When I was a child occasionally I would have some candy especially around Halloween and the Holidays.

Yumm.... If it involves Peanut Butter and Chocolate it will last for a few minutes before I disappear it.

They didn't have any candy at the bars in Baltimore :-(

I agree with Kim's comment about "cheating". As long as we know the amount of carbs, whats "wrong" with us having halloween candy. As for your question, yes I've always had halloween candy. Also, the article you posted doesn't sway diabetics away from eating candy, it just suggests ways to keep blood sugars in check.

[quote user="Pat"]

They didn't have any candy at the bars in Baltimore :-(


no candy bars in baltimore?  how sad!  (yes, i read that wrong like three times)

[quote user="since030993"]

[quote user="Pat"]

They didn't have any candy at the bars in Baltimore :-(


no candy bars in baltimore?  how sad!  (yes, i read that wrong like three times)


i would have liked some candy...I went low at like 2am before 2am became 1am...

lol that time change threw me for a loop too!  i woke up sunday morning and i thought it was was crazy!

[quote user="since030993"]

lol that time change threw me for a loop too!  i woke up sunday morning and i thought it was was crazy!


crazy, but it meant the bars stayed open for an extra hour :)

lol...extra hours can definately be a good thing...except with work and school...

I'm with everyone who was shocked at the "Do you cheat?" question.  Of course I eat Halloween candy!  But I don't eat that much of it and Starbursts, Tootsie Rolls, or other fast acting candy is helpful for treating lows.  When I was little and on injections, I would give away a lot of my candy and trade it for toys, but now that I'm on the pump I pretty much eat whatever and just be careful. 

I'm with everyone who was shocked at the "Do you cheat?" question.  Of course I eat Halloween candy!  But I don't eat that much of it and Starbursts, Tootsie Rolls, or other fast acting candy is helpful for treating lows.  When I was little and on injections, I would give away a lot of my candy and trade it for toys, but now that I'm on the pump I pretty much eat whatever and just be careful. 

Honestly, I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I think anyone that is "shocked" or has their nose bent out of shape by the wording of the question, may want to consider lightening up a little. Its not as if I am an "outsider" that doesn't have the disease or know what managing it entails. It was intended as a light-hearted question to spark some convo in the community. If you feel so passionately about this topic, feel free to send a letter to Jay Cutler, one of the most visible pro athletes who recently released a video talking about his diabetes and one of his favorite "cheat" foods: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Instead of picking apart the wording of the question, I think your efforts would be better served by adding something positive to the community.