Diabetes Camp for Adults with T1D - June 1-3 in New Jersey

Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed with t1d at the age of 2, and looooved diabetes camp.
As an adult I miss those aspects of diabetes camp - the fun, learning together, instant support and being surrounded by people who get it.

That’s the reason I partnered with diabetes camp, Camp Nejeda, in New Jersey to create an event just for adults! It will be held the first weekend in June at Camp Nejeda in Stillwater, NJ (about 90 minutes from NYC without traffic). The program is filled with great sessions focusing on nutrition, fitness, research, technology, advocacy, mixed in with some camp fun and relaxation (yoga, massage.

If interested, full program details can be found: http://bit.ly/2osfHD6

Hope to see you there! Feel free to reach out to me with questions! :slight_smile:

Interesting idea. When I was six years old I spent three weeks at Camp Sweeney in Gainesville, Texas; I had had diabetes for over a year. That first trip to Camp Sweeney was over 59 years ago…

When I was in graduate school I spent two summers working as a counselor at Camp Sweeney. I have often considered volunteering again.

I agree that diabetes summer camps are wonderful experiences. And I think they have value for adults, too. The shared experiences, the "feeling normal’ (almost everyone there has Type 1), the education, and the opportunity to focus on healthy routines can really inspire participants to “continue to wrestle the ‘grizzly bear’ that we live with.” Bravo for your efforts! I hope the camp is a rousing success!


Hi Bill,
Thank you for the kind words! This year will be our 4th year having this program, and we’ve been able to expand not only the number of people attending but the program itself and the reach. I know New Jersey isn’t close to Texas but we’d love to have you if you can make it up north! :slight_smile:


Sounds fantastic! I was diagnosed as a young adult and always wanted the opportunity to go to diabetes camp. I’d like to learn more about it.