Dexcom Transmitter Failed

Hello to all,
I was wondering if this has happened to anyone. My sister uses Dexcom G6 and 4 days ago when it was time to remove her patch, she decided she wanted to take a 3 day break from it. So she wasn’t using her transmitter and she didn’t have her sensor on for three days. So this morning we woke up and the Dexcom app said her transmitter was low on battery and then failed. Do you guys think it’s because her transmitter wasn’t in use for 3 days and just malfunctioned or something? Just want to quickly emphasize that she’s only used this transmitter for 2 months and it’s supposed to last 3.

It has happened before when her transmitter failed so we are familiar with calling Dexcom to replace it.

Please let me know if this has happened to you. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t had that experience but I wonder if her transmitter thinks it’s supposed to be pairing with something and is using up battery in failed attempts? A longshot but I’m the queen of wacky and out of the box ideas so…
When I’ve gone off my Dexcom (which is rare) I un-pair my transmitter. There’s a dummy code your supposed to use and I can’t recall what it is, but it will disconnect the two. Someone else on the forum may have a better technical explanation of what I’m trying to describe, or you could check your manual or call support for instructing on how to disconnect the devices.
I’ve been on Dexcom for a while, from G4 to G6, and I have had a transmutter fail to last it’s expected number of days. Even worse, I’ve gotten a 10 day advance warning, only to have my transmitter stop dead in its tracks with no further warning, before the 10 days were up. Thankfully I’m set up to get them with some time to spare! In any case, call and tell them hers didn’t last - they should replace it.

We are still uncertain what could have caused the transmitter to fail but we got a replacement.
Thanks for your thoughts and info! :sparkles::sparkles:

You didn’t do anything to make the battery fail. It just happens to some of the transmitters. I haven’t seen any explanation from Dexcom yet…Maybe one day…
I had one that failed in less than 2 months use and have seen others with a similar failure.

Glad you got it replaced. We have a tendency to become addicted to these things…

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Yea, there isn’t really an explanation. Thanks for your information! Dexcom really needs to work on their transmitters since it can become a very big issue for people who don’t have extra transmitters and theirs fails in less than the 90 days.
Thanks again :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

My doctor have me an RX for Freestyle Libre to keep on hand in case of issues such as that. While it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of Dexcom it beats the heck out of pricking my finger every time I feel the need.


That’s great that you have a backup for when the transmitter fails!! Good to know about some other options. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Even if I only need the Freestyle to tide me over while I wait for new hardware, I’ll use it for its duration - it gives me an edge with my Dexcom sensors just in case I need it (I hope that makes sense). Plus I find its good to get a little “manual” practice in now and then. That’s just me…


I recently had a G6 Transmitter fail after 2 weeks. Unlikely it was the battery, I imagine that they are mass produced, so there’s always a few that pass the tests, but still have a flaw hidden, waiting to fail before 90 days. I always have my next one on hand, just for this reason.


This only occurred once. I had a transmitter fail after about 6 weeks on a friday afternoon. I’m on Medicare and didn’t get the best advice from support so I bought one at Costco. If you ask the pharmacy for their “special pricing”, I forget what term they use for this option - I got a transmitter for half price. Not cheap but I got a new transmitter that day

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I’ve found that when my transmitter battery stops working there is a simple fix that usually works. I just put one hand with the fingernail next to the skin just above the sensor base, slide it gently under the base in the middle of the side, then squeeze the battery down against the base on that side, then repeat on the other side. It started working again within a few minutes.
It seems that in some situations the base gets pushed enough by clothing or perhaps getting banged against something eternal and the case gets twisted enough to move the contacts between away from each other. So try it if this happens again.

It is interesting that when I started the process to switch from medtronic to tandem the dexcom rep actually suggested that I get my dexcom stuff coming immediately and not wait on the pump so I would have spare supplies for situations such as this. I must admit that it has definitely helped me out already. It was not inexpensive but has prevented me from having to go without. You might talk to your Dr about an extra script for a spare and just make sure you keep it in rotation.

Hi there,

When this happened the first time, Dexcom advised that the transmitter expires every three months from the date of manufacture not the date of application, which I indicated is a problem and that they should really rectify that. In the meantime, unfortunately, I try not to have any spares on hand as I’m worried it will expire before I apply it.

Yeah, the person you spoke to was misinformed I think. Somewhere on their website it says that the 3 months STARTS from the time you start using the transmitter, not from the date of manufacture. Because you are right, that would be a bad issue. There is also an expiration date for the transmitter on the side of the box it comes in. Mine was a year after the date of manufacture, which is also on the box.

As @micki391 already mentioned, you were mis-informed. The transmitter expires three months after application and typically expire close to a year after being manufactured if you don’t use it at all. The box where the transmitter comes will tell you when it expires. You should actually aim to have at least an extra in case the one you are using decides to stop working. I’ve also included a picture of what the Dexcom app shows. It tells me when it was inserted, although it doesn’t tell me when it will expire…the Dexcom app or the receiver will send me a notification that will say something among the lines of…”your transmitter will expire in a week” or say something like “your transmitter battery is critically low”

When you get those notifications, that’s when you should get ready to put a new transmitter on. And just to make sure you are well informed this is an example: let’s say you apply your transmitter on the 7-10-20. You transmitter should continue working until at least October which would be 10-10-20 (3 months later) If your transmitter decides to fail before it expires, you have the right to call Dexcom and request a replacement.
The image down below tells you when you put your transmitter on. Hope this helps :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

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It didn’t make sense to me either when they advised it was from the manufacture date - even as I pointed out the dates on the box etc…this along with the retracting issue are two important issues Dexcom needs to rectify.

@T1Diabetic - I might contact my Dexcom rep and tell them about the misinformation I received from customer service. You could also call Dexcom and speak with a supervisor but I prefer to work with my rep on certain issues. Either way, customer service often records calls for training purposes so someone should be able to pull your call and see who needs further training.
I get my supplies from a DME supplier and once had occasion to return something. When I called to ask about their return policy they told me that I could send back unopened items within 30 days - I don’t recall whether it was date of order or of receipt, but I was way past either one. Thankfully it was something I could use, just not my preference.
All of which is to say, check with Dexcom - or whoever sends your supplies - about their return policy. In theory they would not be sending out items that are about to expire in the first place; but if you know their policy you could return the item if the unopened item will expire before the date indicated on the box. If it’s any consolation I’ve used the G4, 5 and 6 and have never had a problem with expiration so don’t be afraid to keep a spare on hand, and just make sure you use it first.