For all of you considering purchasing a CGMS, Dexcom just updated their SEVEN to SEVEN PLUS which includes a bunch more features, better software, trend arrows, rapid rise/fall alerts, customization for ALL of the alarms, different alarm tones, easier menu, descriptive lables. . .the list goes on and on, that's just from the top of my head.
All of the features offered by the other systems are now incorporated into Dexcom while the accuracy has been maintained if not improved. Its very exciting and I strongly encourage all of you to look into it.
For those of you current Dexcom users, an upgrade is said to be available in the next several months at a minor cost. More specifics on that when its available!
OURS WILL BE HERE FRIDAY!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED. We are paying out of pocket but, we have seen great things with the old one and can not wait for it to get here. We will battle with the insurance company.
I saw your post on MM vs Dex Haley, and this one on the Dex upgrade. I want to say that after 15 months on the MM, the 20 minute delay you spoke of is exactly my experience and it had gotten me pretty discouraged. The confidence that CGM gave me allowed me to ratchet my BG down so that I run closer to normal than ever before. Problem is that with my carb ratio of just 10, a small overestimate of carbs would send me crashing so frequently, that I lost what little hypo awareness that I had before, and the MM was no help.
With the CGM I can see that my BG peaks almost exactly 120 minutes after high carb/low fat eating every time.My new strategy is to use the rate of BG increase to predict whether a correction is necessary.Now at 30 minutes I know to eat a bit more, or take a correction bolus before I get to the peak.The peaks are now short lived at less than 200, and I have not crashed once in two weeks. All 3 of my office cube neighbors have asked "What's up, no tweedling?".
The exciting thing is Dexcom Seven Plus lets you set alarms for rate of increase.It looks like BCBS of Michigan will approve my switch to Dexcom later this week because my MM 522 died, and I already replaced it with the Animas Ping (yes BCBS is covering MM sensors for me).I love the data you can look at on the fly with the Ping, and I can’t wait until it is integrated with the Dexcom.
My son is a junior in High school a 17 years old and was diagnosed +/- 7 years ago with T1 diabetes, he is using the Deltec cozmo pump (I know, most replace it) but because he will be leaving for college with in a year I started thinking if he should go with a CGM; He is an athlete and recently he has had times when he is not aware of his low BS, I thought that at least the alarm of the CGM will let him know when he is low specially at night or early hours of the morning and if he is by himself he can react and do something. I have been doing my research and homework about what is new with pumps and CGMs but after reading about the CGMs' sensors, calibration, dos and don'ts and all of the maintenance involved, I thought that maybe this device can be overwhelming for a Freshman in college who will be adapting to a different life and hours for everything.
I would like to know what would you do if you were in my place? would you encourage your son to move with the CGM now or wait until his sophomore year in college? and How many months before he goes to college would be best for him to start using the CGM so that he gets acquainted with it do you think are appropriate?
Wow - a big change is around the corner for you and your family! I applaud your recognition of this and appreciate the anxiety you must be experiencing.
Knowing what I know about having diabetes in college, were I in your place I would get the CGM ASAP. Like now. This would offer time for your son to get used to the device. It is still a little cumbersome because it requires 2 different devices if he uses a pump. However, I received VERY promising word from a friend with connections at Animas - the Dexcom and Animas and presumably the Dexcom and OmniPod will be communicating very soon. They suspected January. That is terrific news for all of us "real simple" folks who yearn for a day when we can care just one contraption to control our diabetes! But alas, I'm getting ahead of myself. . .
There are many risks in college to a person with diabetes - the biggest of which are alcohol and no adult supervision. Low blood sugars make people seem drunk at times and most other new or not-quite-there adults rarely appreciate the reality that their friend may be in trouble and that's why he/she seems groggy or is passed out. I don't write this to scare you but I knew several other people with diabetes and this experience was pretty universal. That being said, the Dexcom will be your son's lifeline 99% of the time.
Yes, it can be a bit of a pain figuring out how to get it to work and there is definitely a learning curve. BUT - the learning curve is typically 3 months - and that gives you more than enough time for him to figure it out before taking the next step. Moreover, its not that difficult to manage (I started in my 3rd year. . . the most difficult year. . .of medical school). I have no reservations about recommending that you, along with all other parents of soon-to-be or current college students with diabetes . . . CGM can make a huge difference. Not only will your son be in charge of his own schedule, eating, exercise, life, but when he wants to come visit you, an unrecognized low can be devastating. The number one cause of death for a young diabetic older than 16 is automobile accident. The Dexcom can help tremendously - check the number as he drives then pull over if it alerts.
Bottom line - I highly recommend that you take the plunge now. As parents, we can't find enough safety nets and I know that this might also give you some peace of mind. Furthermore, I would encourage that you look at Animas Ping for your replacement pump ($200 if your insurance doesn't cover it - you just have to return you Cozmo to them) since there will be an integrated system to which you can upgrade in the near future. I think this can make a tremendous difference and strongly feel that every endo should be prescribing CGM for the new collegiate diabetics. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have - about Dexcom, college with diabetes, etc.