Dating another type 1

I just want to interject, quickly, that the possibility of having children without being married, and the possibility of being married without having children, both exist.


*steps off of soapbox*

I will never forget being 13 years old and at my Endocronolgist and him telling me before I leave for camp that if I decide to date a diabetic at camp and then for instance we get married down the line...that there would be a possiblity of my kids having diabetes....

Remind you all he's telling a 13 year old this!!!

Personally I don't think love gets to choose who you will end up with or fall in love with, and if my special someone ends up being diabetic and we end up having diabetic kids well then I think my child has two great role models to base their life off of until there is a cure...which there will be someday!!

i dated a diabetic boy, we met at diabetic camp and to be quite honest its the best relationship ive ever been in. he understood me on another level then other guys. understood what it was like to be low, to be high, to feel like no one else understands. no a year after the the break up were closer then ever, he's one of my closest friends. i believe if he didn't move away we'd still be together :) :(

I haven't dated anyone with diabetes. I wouldn't not date someone just because they had diabetes. The only way I wouldn't date another t1 is if they weren't taking care of their diabetes.

I totally agree, I awlays just feel more comfortable around a diabetic, although we never actually talk about the diabetes, its like a mutual thing, you could just be like. OH I will brb I need to get something, want something? and its just makes it normal, cuz u know how no d's date other non d's and its all normal for them, when u both have the D. its like its cancelled out or something, and it doesnt matter really, you dont wrry about it or think about it, and arent nervous of wat the other person will think about wat your doing.

Go for it, can't see any negatives to it unless they dont take proper care of themselves, thus being a bad influence.  I think it would be very plesant though if the two of you got along, to this day I have yet to meet any other T1 girls anywhere near my age :(  Best of luck!