Dance! Please HelP!

Ok, December 11 is a Winter Dance at my boy friend's school. We go to different schools and I have ever even visited him. I always worry what people will think about of me having diabetes. I don't know if at the dance there's a place to set my purse down so I don't have to carry it all night. I don't know if they would feel awakward if I pulled my pump from under my dress to bolus. It is going to be awkward and I think my boyfriend knows I have diabetes and i HAVE to always have my meter, strips, insulin cartridges, glucose tabs, lancets, emergency shots like glucagon, and so on... but I would feel awkward having to bring it all with me. Any advice on something different I could do or if you have had problems similar to this before...?

whenever i went to school events...or well..anywhere actually, i only brought my meter and insulin/needles in my purse. now that i'm on the ping, i only have my meter in my purse.

why do you need glucose tabs/insulin cartridges/lancets/emergency shots/ go to a dance for a few hours? if you do low, won't there be punch and snacks you can have there to treat it?

are you traveling a far distance from home(i.e. another city) to go? I only bring extra supplies if I'm leaving the city, in which case it's packed with my overnight stuff anyways...seems a little very overboard to bring all that stuff to a dance....

also what kinda pump do you have? and if you don't want to pull it out of your dance, can you not just go to the washroom or outside for some "fresh air" to do that?


...I'm kinda confused..why do you only think your boyfriend knows you have D? have you not straight up told him?


U think? I would say he should no for sure. and i always have this problem evern if its for something else other than a dance. At my dances at school we have a checkl in place where we can put our purses and they r watched by students. Idk if they will do that for u since u r only in middle school and im in high school. All i do is bring it with me and if anyone says something to me i say well y do u have ur phone? Because to me its like something we like to carry. its hard to explain and im not saying we liked to carry all that stuff around.. but anyways if he really likes u he will understand and if someone trys to make fun of u or something he will stick up for you. I wish u bunches of luck!!

You can also show him Educating Others:


my mom is sooooooooo scared bout me, she maxe me have that stuff almost everywhere. Idk y she maxe me keep everythin, she says she feels safe especially wen she's not around. I wud only hav my meter and stuff if i cud but id hav 2 ask her and elarn to keep better control of my blood sugar. 

and I think I've told him but I don't ever really like to talk bout havin D, it sometyms maxe ppl shy away from me so i try to keep it on the DL. BUt ill talk 2 him 2nite



Thx! I really lyk him and hope theres a place 2 put my purse and stuff! If so, i wnt feel so awkward. and ik he'd stick up for me, he dus all the tym but i nvr really came out and told him Im Diabetic. I think my bff, CHloe did and he's seen my bolusing and testing my blood sugar and stuff so I think  he gets z idea. If not, I will tell him for sure 2nte... and thx! Im really nervous!

[quote user="Kelsey"]


my mom is sooooooooo scared bout me, she maxe me have that stuff almost everywhere. Idk y she maxe me keep everythin, she says she feels safe especially wen she's not around. I wud only hav my meter and stuff if i cud but id hav 2 ask her and elarn to keep better control of my blood sugar. 

and I think I've told him but I don't ever really like to talk bout havin D, it sometyms maxe ppl shy away from me so i try to keep it on the DL. BUt ill talk 2 him 2nite



if people shy away from you cuz of D, they aren't worth being around.

How long have you been Dx? at 14, I wasn't carrying around anything more than a juice box(or some candies) and my kit(meter/needles/insulin) whenever i left the house. maybe you need to sit down with your mom and explain how you feel about having to carry that stuff, especially in a situtation where you will be able to access food. talk to your boyfriend too and explain stuff to him, so you can tell your mom that he knows if you ask him to go get you juice or pop or something cuz you're low..he understands the importance of it..and that there will be adults at the dance you can talk to if needed.


I agree with Batts, that you don't need all that stuff, but if your mom is that worried about it, maybe you can have her join on here to talk with other parents about it.  My mom gets so worried with me too, and I'm going to be 30!  LOL!  She's always calling me to see if I'm carrying candy with me, checking my sugars, etc.  I think it's natural for parents to be so concerned if they don't understand the disease that well.  So, if she talks to other parents who are more experienced or dealing with the same concerns, she may feel more at ease.

Also, if there's no check-in place for your purse, you can get a cute decorative over-the shoulder purse to keep on you at all times or even a pouch purse that you can keep over your wrist (although this can get bulky if you still have to carry all that stuff with you, but you can still let it dangle from your wrist even when you hold your bf around his neck while dancing). 

Best of luck to you and enjoy the dance!

[quote user="ScrappyDy"]


I agree with Batts, that you don't need all that stuff, but if your mom is that worried about it, maybe you can have her join on here to talk with other parents about it.  My mom gets so worried with me too, and I'm going to be 30!  LOL!  She's always calling me to see if I'm carrying candy with me, checking my sugars, etc.  I think it's natural for parents to be so concerned if they don't understand the disease that well.  So, if she talks to other parents who are more experienced or dealing with the same concerns, she may feel more at ease.

Also, if there's no check-in place for your purse, you can get a cute decorative over-the shoulder purse to keep on you at all times or even a pouch purse that you can keep over your wrist (although this can get bulky if you still have to carry all that stuff with you, but you can still let it dangle from your wrist even when you hold your bf around his neck while dancing). 

Best of luck to you and enjoy the dance!


same here Scrappy...I'm 22, and my mom and me fight all the time about food and such still. she always says she asks me about food and if i have snacks on me because she was so used to being the one in control of it when i was little, that it's hard to let go of that and not worry that something might go wrong. i think most parents with kids who were diagnosed at an age where they had to be taken care of feel like that.

it does help when i talk to my mom about how it stresses me out, and makes me feel like she's judging how well i can control it on my own/doesnt think i am i do highly suggest you talk to your mom about it Kelsey :)

thx! I think I know exactly what to do. it's been a while since I've had a heart-to-heart convo with my mom so I gess this will help a lot. No, I KNOW this will help a lot and I will definetely tell my bf for sure 2nite so he won't worry to much about me... But seriously, thanks sooooo much! I think I'll bring my cute over-the-shoulder Vera Bradley Purse :D Im not going to let D hold me back :D

ps, I was dxed at 18 mtnhs

as for your dress and pump, you can get a gauder and it will hold your pump so it will look less strange than having a bump on your hip.

Yea, I was planning on wearing my pumppack

Good Luck Kelsey! You know your sister amber is here for you :)

You could also consider setting a temp basal to help you not go low with all the dancing. Have a great time!


and yea, that mit work

at my 6th grade dance i asked the dj if i could put my bag near him and he kept it the whole night and when i needed i just asked him 4 it he wuz sooo nice!