
The clock has just struck midnight 15 minutes ago here in Arizona and I just realized that I have been diabetic for six years today. I was already 12 when I was DX'ed but I honestly can't remember life not being diabetic.

Well, one DKA, one brain dehydration/shrinkage, 5 busted pumps, 2 months of CGM, 5 years of pump therapy, and 2 years of metformin later I am happy and complications free! :)

congrats :)

nice job, abigail. i'm glad to hear things are going well for you :o)

Congrats on your D-versary!!!  How on earth did you bust 5 pumps? Did the company replace them all 5 times?

Minimed did replace all 5 pumps for free since I was under warranty. And they broke due to multiple reasons-- one was submerged in water, a couple were broken because I walked into walls a little too often. But I haven't had a pump break for about 2 and a half or 3 years.

Happy D-versary !!!

Happy D-versary - or as I call it, Dia-versary - Abigail!  However you want to name it, it's another reason to celebrate!  If nothing else, celebrate the fact that you're alive and complications free!

Your "D-versary" is only 8 days after mine!  I was diagnosed on August 2, also six years ago.

My d-versery will be tomorow. I will have had D for 37 years tomorrow. Also it's my oldest daughter's b-day!

[quote user="4evernanny"]

My d-versery will be tomorow. I will have had D for 37 years tomorrow. Also it's my oldest daughter's b-day!


Mine, also 37 years, was on August 5th!  My, how time flies when you're having fun!  :P

Congrats Abigal and Run D-Link and to you too 4evernanny for tomorrow....And Welcome to Juvenation :)

hi Nads :) we must have posted at the same time--Congrats to you too Nads :) and Happy Birthday to your daughter 4evernanny :)

Thanks everyone for the congrats!! But weirdly enough, I COULD NOT get my blood sugar below 250 almost the whole day. Hmmmmm.... at least it is back to normal today :)