The clock has just struck midnight 15 minutes ago here in Arizona and I just realized that I have been diabetic for six years today. I was already 12 when I was DX'ed but I honestly can't remember life not being diabetic.
Well, one DKA, one brain dehydration/shrinkage, 5 busted pumps, 2 months of CGM, 5 years of pump therapy, and 2 years of metformin later I am happy and complications free! :)
Minimed did replace all 5 pumps for free since I was under warranty. And they broke due to multiple reasons-- one was submerged in water, a couple were broken because I walked into walls a little too often. But I haven't had a pump break for about 2 and a half or 3 years.
Happy D-versary - or as I call it, Dia-versary - Abigail! However you want to name it, it's another reason to celebrate! If nothing else, celebrate the fact that you're alive and complications free!
Thanks everyone for the congrats!! But weirdly enough, I COULD NOT get my blood sugar below 250 almost the whole day. Hmmmmm.... at least it is back to normal today :)