Hey high schoolers in the class of 2010! Where are you headed next year? Potential majors/minors? I thought it would be cool for everyone to share.
I'll be going to University of North Carolina Wilmington, majoring in marine biology!
Hey high schoolers in the class of 2010! Where are you headed next year? Potential majors/minors? I thought it would be cool for everyone to share.
I'll be going to University of North Carolina Wilmington, majoring in marine biology!
Not a High Schooler, but will be going to learn new a career. I going for RN or BSN not sure yet!!!
nice job, keith!
in a few years i'll be going to des moines university to be a physician's assistant. i have to pay down some of my current loans though before i can go for more schooling!
I'll be going to the University of New Hampshire. I will be majoring in communication sciences and disorders and minoring in both deaf studies and education. My goal is to then get my masters in special education in order to be a special ed teacher. I can't wait!!! Amanda and anyone else going off to college, what are you doing about a room mate? Do you think having diabetes will complicate the rooming situation?
My experience was that roommates always loved the perk of living with someone who had a mini-fridge (for insulin and juice... and then whatever my roommate wanted to throw in there... ha).
Wow you guys have some really great ambitions!!
Laura, I'm just doing the random-roomie option... I'm letting the school's system pick for me. I'm kind of nervous about how we'll get along anyway, and then throwing diabetes in there makes me kind of freak out, but they'll just have to deal with it I guess! I'm hoping that it won't come between us, but I think as long as I keep it on the down-low and just do what I need to do, it'll be fine. I'll have to share some stuff I guess, like how to tell if I'm dangerously high/low etc. but otherwise I'll try to keep it to myself.
Haha very true Kim... I'll be bringing the fridge, but the juice is all mine!! No sharing that! :)
Does anyone have any suggestions with diabetes and college in general, or the adjustment to just a new kind of life, or socially... it would be much appreciated!
[quote user="C"]
nice job, keith!
in a few years i'll be going to des moines university to be a physician's assistant. i have to pay down some of my current loans though before i can go for more schooling!
We'll have to meet at a convention! LOLI have a slight advantage on costs. I am now a type 1 (LOL), have a previous small foot disability (Crushed big toe at work 1-2%), Veteran with service connected disability and other feet problems that weren't problems before dx'ed, I think disability will retrain me. Oh, also found out if you're a nurse and work at Veterans House for 4 years they forgive something like 50% of student loans!!!
i had a roommate freshman year in college, who is still my bestie today :o) diabetes wasn't a big deal to her. i showed her how to do bloodtests and give glucagon, but i told her when in doubt to just call 911. that year was probably the most amazing EVER. haha. college was definitely a lot of fun :D
I am going to attend the University at Buffalo. I will be working toward majors in physics and biology, with minors in mathematics, spanish, and chemistry.
I thought about dorming with my friend who is going there, but then reconsidered and thought it would be good to go out and meet new people and deal in new situations with my t1d.
Me too! I'm in college right now, but starting a new program in May. A 15 month accelerated BSN program, although the eventual goal is Nurse Practitioner.
[quote user="Lacey"]
Me too! I'm in college right now, but starting a new program in May. A 15 month accelerated BSN program, although the eventual goal is Nurse Practitioner.
Hey Lacey do you know if that program is in California????? Sounds good, I am not getting younger!!! Just kidding LOL
Sort of/kind of making a college decision.
I got accepted into 2 medical schools...but I'm being sttuuubbbooorrnn and choosing to wait another year because I didn't get into the school I wanted so I'm going to apply again next year.
Dumb dumb dumb, but I want to be 100% happy at the school I'm at considering the workload.
[quote user="C"]
i had a roommate freshman year in college, who is still my bestie today :o) diabetes wasn't a big deal to her. i showed her how to do bloodtests and give glucagon, but i told her when in doubt to just call 911. that year was probably the most amazing EVER. haha. college was definitely a lot of fun :D
I had a nightmare roommate situation freshman year of college. One guy was a drunk who broke my @%#% and the other was a stoner who ate all of it...at least the stoner and his gf understood diabetes and knew how to use a glucagon should I have ever needed it (I never did thankfully).
[quote user="C"]
i had a roommate freshman year in college, who is still my bestie today :o) diabetes wasn't a big deal to her. i showed her how to do bloodtests and give glucagon, but i told her when in doubt to just call 911. that year was probably the most amazing EVER. haha. college was definitely a lot of fun :D
[/quote]My college roommate and I are still good friends to this day too. I wasn't diabetic my freshman year when we were randomly assigned as roommates. I was diagnosed the summer in between my freshman and sophomore years, and she was just great with my transition. My mom showed her how to use the glucagon (which we never had to use) and I gave her a book (actually written for children narrated by teh Pink Panther for some reason) about diabetes which she read. She even gave herself a fake injection so she'd know how to do it. All of my friends in college were great and treated me just like them, despite everything. And I'll second what C said, college was a blast!!!
I graduated with a BS in Biology in 2009 and am now in grad school at the University at Buffalo to get my PhD in Microbiology.
I had several different roommates throughout my undergrad career and never had any trouble with people when it came to my diabetes. I explained things right away to my roommate, just so she was aware of my condition and what my usual symptoms were. She was totally cool with it, and it was never an issue. I actually used it as an opportunity to explain to people more about Type 1 diabetes and how it is different from what their grandparents had. I never walked into a room and announced it or anything, but I also didn't try to hide it completely. I just carried on my life normally, did my bloodtest at the table, etc. If you take injections, you may not have as much freedom with that though. Usually, people either didn't even notice, or didn't care. Those that asked questions were just curious and I figure the more people who are aware of this condition, the better off we will all be.
[quote user="LauraJ"]
I'll be going to the University of New Hampshire. I will be majoring in communication sciences and disorders and minoring in both deaf studies and education. My goal is to then get my masters in special education in order to be a special ed teacher. I can't wait!!! Amanda and anyone else going off to college, what are you doing about a room mate? Do you think having diabetes will complicate the rooming situation?
My grandparents live in Durham. Maybe I'll run into you when I visit this summer. (: We get breakfast at the bagelry almost every morning when we're there!
Also, I'm an SLP and work w/ deaf/HOH kids, so send me a message if you have questions about Comm Dis!
[quote user="C"]
in a few years i'll be going to des moines university to be a physician's assistant. i have to pay down some of my current loans though before i can go for more schooling!
I thought you were studying nutrition? Will that be a 2nd degree?
The program I'm doing is in St. Louis, but they are becoming more and more popular all over the place. You should see if any of the schools near you have an accelerated program. Although, I had several pre-requisites I had to take first - at least a year's worth.
Wow. So many to-be medical personnel out there-- nurses etc! And yay for biology! :)
I hope I have as great an experience with my roommate as most of you have had (except Pat). I find out who I'll be rooming with on June 1... I can't wait! I'm on a pump so it'll be easier to just bolus rather than having to take shots all the time. I think that will help.
hate to be such an outlier but im going to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Majoring in Math and Chem and minor in Physics