Birthday Party

My 8yo daughter was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Her birthday is this week and we are throwing her a sleepover birthday party on Friday. Any suggestions for something we can have for dessert. I want this to be a special day for her. Thanks in advance


Hey Molly,

My daughter has been through a couple birthday parties since being diagnosed at 5. We do all of the typical birthday fun and cake. I don’t restrict her from cake on special occasions. So here’s what I’ve done for parties:

Have the cake along with the meal if there will be a meal. So you only have to dose once.

If there is no meal, be sure to serve milk and water instead of sugary drinks. I wouldn’t offer any sugary drinks at all so she won’t be left out. Also milk ads protein to balance the cake a tiny bit.

Pre portion things. So if I’m setting up food, I put everything in a small container. Popcorn in bags, fruit on skewers, ice cream in a cup etc That way you’ll have an easier time dosing during the party because you know the carb amounts. Cup cakes are simpler than full cakes.

Don’t serve any treats other than the main event ie, cake and ice cream or whatever you choose. I make goodie bags but my daughter knows the sweets in hers will be spaced out over weeks.

We have the same policy for holidays that accumulate lots of candy. Keep it in one spot and it comes in handy for lows later :wink:

Contact me if you’d like pics!

I still do regular birthday cake for my son. We just do the cake with the food, so just one dose. I also make sure to keep him drinking water before and after to help keep him from spiking. For treat bags I just do little toys, no candy so I don’t have to worry about any other sugary treats, and for drinks I just stick with sugar free kool-aid so that everyone can drink the same thing and he doesn’t feel singled out.

First, for anyone concerned with having to dose (bolus) more than once because of the multiple injections, as a 49 year old with Type 1, I strongly suggest that you let her have whatever she wants – within reason, and definitely don’t make your kids feel singled out as different because of the T1D.

If you are only able to afford multiple daily injection therapy, then I also strongly suggest that you purchase and utilize an iPhone app called RapidCalc, which will help you greatly when having to dose after a meal for dessert, or just any additional meal calories.

Notwithstanding all of the above, I cannot emphasize enough that you should be on the OmniPod tubeless insulin pump. Please check it out at and order a non-functioning trial pod that your child can wear for a few days to see how absolutely wonderful the OmniPod tubeless insulin pump is. I just can’t say enough good things about the OmniPod.

If I were a child, I would not want to be restricted to a pump’s tubing. Since the OmniPod is worn on the body, no one will know that you are even wearing an insulin pump. Message me if you have any questions about how much more beneficial an OmniPod is!


Hi Molly,
My daughter’s birthday is Saturday after thanksgiving & she’s also having a sleep. Her deserts will be falvored popcorn, jello, sugar free him balls & of course splenda cupcakes 27th icecream cups. These are just a few since her party is small & she’s older.

We haven’t restricted anything, including sweets, because of T1D. My son is fairly recently diagnosed and still honeymooning, so maybe that will change. One thing that makes this really easy is he really doesn’t mind his injections - so a second dose for dessert is not big deal.

For all special occasions we allowed my son to have sweets – we would then test much more frequently and adjust insulin accordingly. My son soon learned to self-limit carbs / sweets because it was so much more work.

LET THEM EAT CAKE!!! :slight_smile: It’s so important that our sugar babies maintain NORMAL. our family rule is that Wyatt can eat it (within reason, whatever that is in your family…my non T1’s don’t get to shovel sugar out of the bag…) as long as it isn’t made with poison.
I totally agree with offer milk. FOR EVERYONE.
Have a great one! and BRAVO for having a sleep over too!!! Super moms are awesome.


My daughter has been there before. We were eatting out at a restaurant across from the hospital. There was a table with a few police officers. I did everything like normal (my daughter is normal open about T1). I looked over and the police officers were staring at me like I was injecting drugs into my daughter. I got angry and asked the cops if they had an issue with me giving my daughter insulin. They just said no and turned around. People who don’t have it, just don’t always understand and they forget that it’s not nice to stare. I teach my daughter to be proud of herself and ignore people who stare and know that she is helping make sure she stays healthy. There will always be the people who think that you are hurting your child or that your giving them drugs because they just don’t understand.

hi @Jenijeni hey sorry that happened to you. it may not be part of your world, but insulin syringes are used quite often for heroin, and it is illegal to posses syringes without a script, except I think in Canada. I have no idea what it may have looked like to them for the fist couple of seconds. after that they probably should have figured it out, and know that it’s rude to stare. anyway cops have to consider that what they are seeing may not always be what meets the eye, so for that I feel bad for them.

t1 is “rare” so I never expect anyone to understand. =) hope you all had fun at the restaurant anyway.