Being sick

How many people find it like a million times harder to get their sugars down when they are sick?  Ive been sick for a few days and it seems like 240 is the magic number regardless of my insulin intake.  Its kind of rediculus, any one have any ways to get this number lower when they are sick.

IM sick right now and I hate it haha.

[quote user="Andrew"]

How many people find it like a million times harder to get their sugars down when they are sick?  Ive been sick for a few days and it seems like 240 is the magic number regardless of my insulin intake.  Its kind of rediculus, any one have any ways to get this number lower when they are sick.

IM sick right now and I hate it haha.


im sick right now , and i have been 4 the last 2 days... i havent been high once , the highest i've been was 216 4 the past 2 says i've been sick,...


For me, it depends on if I can keep food down. When I have a stomach bug and can't eat, I'm usually low as a cruel joke for someone who feels sick and has to drink juice or soda, lol. With a cold, I def. have that problem - take lots of insulin and still hover around 180 or 190.

Can you believe the highest I've been is like 230 these last two weeks? I admit it's shocked me. I'm usually having to fight the cold with one fist full of medicine and diabetes with the other handfull of syringes.

heres one for everyone i have the stomach bug and this migraine that no one can figure out not even the ER and my sugars are in the 400! and is cruel bcs im not even eating but bcs of the steroids im on for the migraine it shoots my sugars up and makes my stomach hurt even more.(For some reason when my sugars are up my stomach has these cramp like feelings) :( Life sometimes just STINKS!

Sometimes when I'm sick, I'm high and I can't get it down or I'm low and I can't get it up. I was sick this past week and it was one of those high and can't get it down times. Most people I know say they are always high when they are sick, but sometimes, I get low and it stays low until I get better.

When I am sick my sugars will either run too high or too low. It is different every time for me.

240 has been my magic number too for the past 5 days. yay sickness

Yeah I have been sick lately too. I found the days that I drink a lot of fluids its much easier to get my numbers in a good place, have you been drinking much water? Hope everyone else who's sick feels better soon!

Your problem is more than likeley caused bt the steroid.  Have you been checking for ketones?

[quote user="Andrew"]

How many people find it like a million times harder to get their sugars down when they are sick?  Ive been sick for a few days and it seems like 240 is the magic number regardless of my insulin intake.  Its kind of rediculus, any one have any ways to get this number lower when they are sick.

IM sick right now and I hate it haha.



My doctor said to give myself extra insulin for ketones. I don't remember what they are off the top of my head. 

If you use a pump, change the cite. I just got sick a couple of weeks ago, I bolused for my BG, which was High, checked again later, still high. I over heated and ended up throwing up (not in the hospital! I haven't been in for over a year now, for D related problems! YAY!). I changed my cite and everything got better :D

Being sick is a stressful thing for anyone, on top of dealing with diabetes. And stress releases epinephrine and norepinephrine which makes your BG rise naturally.

[quote user="Courtney"]

Being sick is a stressful thing for anyone, on top of dealing with diabetes. And stress releases epinephrine and norepinephrine which makes your BG rise naturally.


Thanks for the explanation. I knew it was b/c of biochemistry but couldn't remember the details.

For those trying to help your body use the insulin better -- drink water. That's what I've had to do over the years to get highs to come down... esp. when spilling ketones.

I hear ya on the frustrations. Sometimes (too often, really) life with diabetes is crappy.  =(

Hang in there!!

[quote user="Andrea-Elena"]

[quote user="Courtney"]

Being sick is a stressful thing for anyone, on top of dealing with diabetes. And stress releases epinephrine and norepinephrine which makes your BG rise naturally.


Thanks for the explanation. I knew it was b/c of biochemistry but couldn't remember the details.

For those trying to help your body use the insulin better -- drink water. That's what I've had to do over the years to get highs to come down... esp. when spilling ketones.

I hear ya on the frustrations. Sometimes (too often, really) life with diabetes is crappy.  =(

Hang in there!!


haha you're welcome. It's pretty simple if you think about it. Epinephrine and norepinephrine provide us with the "fight or flight" instinct which gets your heart racing. Have you ever felt your heart race when your BG is high?