Back for round two :)

So, this is weird to try to figure out how to re-introduce myself...

Basically, my name is Alyssa. Juvenation used to be my thing. I was one of the original members back when this was a new site & I was friends with a ton of you (that is, if it's the same people around here... which I assume it is, to a degree).

I ended up loving the community on here (SO much more than I expected). But after spending about a year online, I decided to take a break. Personal reasons - the main ones being I was going through difficulties with my own diabetes and losing focus/"good" control.

Anyway, that's been handled for a while now :) I'm not sure how many years it's been since I've been on here... But I'm officially back!! :) I missed you all a lot more than I expected. Juvenation used to give me the best, strongest sense of community/communitas that I've ever experienced with diabetes. I'm looking forward to re-friending all of you familiar faces! Send me friend requests (is that still how it works??) too; drop me questions/comments; all those usual things :)

Glad to be back. I'm so excited just to get back into the swing of things on here. 

Say hi to me? :)

So happy to have you back!!! If you need help around the site let me know! Things changed a bit like the name for one and the forums… You made my day Alyssa !!

It's cool to take a break but I'm glad you're back.  We should never be ashamed about struggling with control.  It's just part of having diabetes over a long time period.  

Someone who is struggling right now will be really encouraged to hear your story.

How long have you had diabetes?  Which parts of managin it give you the most problems?  Has it brought any unexpected blessings into your life?  


Thank you thank you thank you thank you. It's honestly made MY day to BE back - and to be welcomed back. This site HAS changed so much. It looks fantastic. Yes, it's taking me a while to stumble around all the tabs and try to figure out what's been moved where in the last (yikes) four years. But I'm doing fine so far and will absolutely send my questions your way, Gina. :)

Hi, Jenna!

This is probably going to be a pretty wordy post. But to start, I've had diabetes for... Let me count this... Almost nine years. And to be honest, it's been a roller coaster of a time.

I've never had much trouble with the actual numbers/doses/physical, taking-care-of-myself routines. Anyone can mash a few buttons on a pump or stick a test strip in a meter. But all the mental and emotional coping of diabetes is a different story. THAT is what's been THE most difficult aspect of living with this - for me.

Having a positive perspective about diabetes came very easily to me for several years after diagnosis. I had all the right people backing me up and telling me all the right things. As I got older, though, I obviously started having different experiences - I made more friends; I was introduced to more people. And eventually, those people started having opinions about me, about my diabetes, etc. Around the same time, I found Juvenation (typeonenation).

It was like there was a big piggy bank or jar and everyone's opinions - both good and bad - were being piled in, one after the other. And it was my job to sit there and sort them and add them up, because I thought the sum of what everyone else thought MUST be what I had to think about myself/diabetes/etc.

Trying to reconcile everyone's judgments/opinions is what thwarted my control four years ago when I took my break. I was fifteen. I didn't know how to deal with all the influences - and the way I WAS dealing with them was NOT the right way to do it.

I kind of had to reset; take a step back and listen not only to the positive influences I'd had around me since the beginning, but really try to construct my own thoughts and outlooks for myself. I'm happy with the result. Really happy with it. I've figured out, for the time being, how to be happy with who I am and what adventures I've been given.

I tried to deny diabetes for so long. For years, I didn't want diabetes to be what I was known for or associated with. I thought I could brush it off my shoulder and say it was just... another characteristic of me, basically. But it's not. And it was silly of me (personally - this is so not the case across the board) to try to ignore this part of me.

And I think that's been the biggest unexpected blessing in my life - all the struggles and questions have culminated in the opportunity for me to be happier with things, all around, and rejoin the realm/community of diabetes. To be honest, this community speaks directly to my heart. When I let myself explore diabetes and  allow myself to accept the circumstances... and accept the fact that my future is probably going to be tied into diabetes, and that is SO okay... Well, I'm pretty convinced that all this is a blessing.



I am so happy that you wrote this, especially on the forum. There may be a person just like you ( the 15 year old you) who has those same exact feelings and will know it is ok to feel that way. You sound like you have healed.

I went through something similar right before I found out I was pregnant last year. Since I was married I was extremely stressed out because I was not able to acheive a pre-pregnancy a1c number. Everything started to really overwhelm me but, then by a sort of planned accident :) I found out I was pregnant, and all sudden I went into mommy mode. I needed to take care of someone else, I NEEDED TO TAKE CARE OF ME TOO and had to be here for him so my entire outlook changed. My son saved my life, because I was heading in a downward spiral and I wasnt sure that I would be able to bounce back.

You are such a bright young woman and it sounds like you are so grown-up now! I feel like you are my daughter and you went away to college and came home haha

Gina, I'll be messaging you momentarily :) But I wanted to reply publicly - and briefly - just to say... I agree. It's just so easy (in my experience, anyway) to get overwhelmed by the mental demands of diabetes; there's so many, of such magnitude. The motions of diabetes just might be easier than the emotions.

Now, if anything in my post speaks to anyone else going through something similar to you and I... That kind of influence or voice is easily THE biggest blessing in the middle of all this.