Anyone from Ohio?

Hey everyone! I'm from Toledo, Ohio and I don't really know anyone around me that has type 1. So I was wondering if any of you are from Ohio...? Or near it? If not, then where are you from? :)

Hello Ashley! I'm not from Ohio but I am very close to Ohio. I live in Western Pennsylvania (about 40 minutes or so from Pittsburgh. I do have family in Ohio though! I believe one of my aunts lives near Sandusky. I also have another aunt in Ohio but I really can't remember where she lives!

I am a student at the University of Akron.. not very close to Toledo but I do have friends that go to school there ;)

I'm here in Kent Ohio. We have a large # of diabetics but they all hide it and we have 0 diabetes groups.

Thanks everyone for letting me know. And I am sorry "stilledlife" that there are no diabetes groups in Kent. We have a lot in Toledo.

Hey i am a student at Kent State University who has type one diabetes, i am far from toledo but I just thought id throw it out there


I'm not sure I count... but... I am from Ohio... LOL




I'm type one here at Kent state University, If you wanna meet up just send me a convo invite. better yet I'll send you one.

see ya soon

heyy everyone :)

just throwing it out there that I'm a freshmen at University of Akron.
Anyone going there please let me know :))

I'm from Toledo, I have type 1, I really don't know really anybody that has diabetes other then my Aunt, and this one guy who was in a class I took at  UT. I found out I had diabetes in early 2008 a month before my 23rd birthday. I'm still having some difficulty dealing with it. The only time I ever could put things in perspective is when I talk to other people who deal with the same things I have to.  I guess it would be nice to talk to somebody that dosen't ask a bunch of questions about my day to day diabetic life (When I have to inject, why I have to inject, what I can eat, what can't I eat).    

i am only 17 but i am from toledo and i was diagnosed a year and 3 months ago

[quote user="Ashley"]

i am only 17 but i am from toledo and i was diagnosed a year and 3 months ago




I think this is a great place to meet and talk to other people.  Everyone deals with life changing events differently.  If  any of my kids got diabetes, I would want them to go to counseling.  I got diabetes at 10, so I came to accept it just like brushing my teeth.  But by the time I was in HS, it became a real bummer - I didn't let it hold me back (in fact most of my friend had a shot of insulin in their car in case we stayed out too long - they all had plungers then) but I always need to plan for meals, etc.  No on really cared as much as I did - I still - 30 years later - have the same friends and it was just growing up.  In dating it bothered me more than my date or girl fiend.

It's not "fun", but you can live with "it" and if you can incorporate "it" as part of who you are, life is less stressful because it is you - not ALL of you, but part of you that will make you a strong and unique person.


Hi Everyone! My name is Sara and I live in Toledo, Ohio. I've been living with Type 1 for over eight years now and have had a pump (what I refer to as my "bionic pancreas") for five years. Nice to see others from around the area on here!

I was born and raised in Sandusky, Ohio (Lake Erie - Cedar Point area). I used to travel to Toledo, OH to see my endocrinologist and I recently relocated to Columbus, OH. Any one down here? I need friends!

Well this is a really old thread but I see one new response. I am originally from Toledo but now I live in Dayton, OH...not too far from Columbus.