Any other firefighter/paramedics on this forum?

I find value in everyone’s posts on this forum, but I was curious if there were any other first responders also on this site?

@Medictigger I can’t recall but there might be. I know for sure there is a T1 fire fighter on Beyond Type 1 (another forum). A close family friend was the Fire Chief (volunteer FD) at a nearby town he got T1 as an active marine. I put out a fire in the engine compartment of my ford station wagon once, but putting out fires isn’t my wheelhouse. :grinning: I do consult with fire suppression designs for the buildings I design. Sorry, that’s all I got. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Hi Frank,
I was a member of an ambulance squad in college. I was never a certified EMT though. I was assigned the position of driver and was to assist with T1D calls until I could get certified. Unfortunately, the vehicle we had was declared too old/unsafe - - it was an old station wagon style ambulance - - before that could happen and we had to shut down and call the local 911 instead. We were all disappointed. It was so nice knowing there was a group of people right on campus who would be there in an emergency as the local first responders were at least 10 minutes away, but such is life. We were decommissioned and could not afford a newer vehicle. So the team was disbanded.

That’s as close as I’ve come to being a member of this wonderful group.

Pam K.
T1D 56+ years and counting!

Hello Frank, I was a certified volunteer firefighter/vehicular rescue tech for 8 years and a certified volunteer EMT/EMT-I for 19 years. I’ve been a T1D since I was 14 months old. I was a very active firefighter from 1981 through 1988. I was an active EMT/EMT-I from 1981 through 1999. Spare time got difficult to find working my paying job 6 days a week so I stopped running Volunteer EMS and let my EMT-I certification finally expire. I always ran in the reserve program in the state I moved to as a third man on the bus. I never drove so I could work the back of the truck.
T1D 58 years

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