Advice Needed Please!

Hey Everyone!

Wow, it's been so long since I've been on here and posted anything! I'm Shelby if I haven't met you before! :)

I need some help please! I'm living and interning in New York City for the summer and am wanting to find Diabetic families that need a babysitter and/or nanny for the months of June and July. I've contacted JDRF and they aren't able to hook me up with anyone because of the legal issues it can cause, so does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for me?? I figured it would be better to look for Diabetic families first because I know it's hard to find a babysitter that's trained to take care of a young Diabetic. I'm up for any kind of help! 

Thank you!! :)

Such a good idea. Maybe the local chapters of JDRF have a Facebook page you could post it. There are a couple of parenting diabetic children Facebook pages too.

Thanks! I'll look into that :)

Check with the local endocrinologist office. They can give your information to patient's.

Oh I never even thought of that! Thank you! :)

Have you registered with yet? It is a great place to put yourself out there....