Jed Dole, your signature caught my eye the moment i saw it. You're an inspiration, and I give thanks for all of them that I find, be it people that live with diabetes in a positive manner, a nice day, or just a good reading after a sugary/carb heavy snack. Thank you. :)
I have found that, like Jeff, the outlook plays a big role. I don't know how many of you where glasses...I never did...even in this 21st century we are in, I found a job using the DOS computer and green computer screens...seriously! lol anyways, 2 years later, i've got point is, when my glasses are dirty...I have to clean them, sometimes it's annoying and i let the oil/grease/grime of the day/moment build upon what is there already (I know, i'm just making myself sound SUPER attractive), but when the breaking point comes, and I find my terry (microfiber) cloth, and clean my man was it worth it. To see the world clearly.
Our mental outlook is much the same way. It is not what we put into our bodies that defiles us, but what we let out. People are ridiculous. I won't say that I'm not, but i'll generalize, as humanity is so fond of doing, and say that we're crazy, the general populous that is. As an individual you have the power to observe the moment you are in. I find myself thinking about it this way, healthy or not.
2 hundred years ago, I still could have been diagnosed with diabetes... if i was "lucky," if you can call it that, I'd make it a couple of months. a thousand years ago, in the middle ages, I could have been diagnosed...same story, I wouldn't last long. The moments I/we have been given are truly gifts. It's wild to hear how many parents have told them "It could be worse." I don't know what the difference is, if any, my mom told me "There's always someone who has it worse," I believe her aim was to build a thought pattern that would fortify me not getting down on myself. regardless, back to these precious moments...When cared for to the enth degree, I say truly, the body, especially a diabetics, is like a fine foreign automobile. Expensive, man do i NOT want to go there right now, however, also high performing. We are capable of so much. It's worth the price to pay for those days where thanks can be found. :) Truly, there are moments that are awful. Hang in there, for the love that is really within you that the world wants, hang in there. :) <3 I hope this finds everyone it needs to well B>