Hi my name is Louie. I am on my wife Jackies account. She woke up with extreme blurred vision. She is a type 1 diabetic and to this point has never had any eye problems. We know she needs to get into a doctor asap but she has a huge meeting later this morning so we wanna just get her through that.
Any suggestions of anything she can do to improve her vision?
That's a scary way to wake up. There's no way to know for me to know if it's diabetes-related or not - usually those things take a while and happen gradually - but what is her blood sugar right now? Vision can get a little blurry with extremely high numbers - although if you're classifying her vision as "extreme" blurred vision, I think you need to take her to a doctor.
Thanks for responding. I made her an appointment for this afternoon. Yes her sugars are very high this morning. 398. Not sure if its related but yesterday she was on the computer for work for about 10 hours and was complaining about eye strain. Hopefully the doctor will tell us if there related.
DO you have test strips for keytones? I think you should test her for keytones and if the test is positive you should go to a hospital rather than wait for the Dr appointment. If you don't have the test strips run to the pharmacy and get some. Then test her ASAP. It sounds like you are saying she is too ill to use the computer since you are doing it for her. IT could be serious.
Yes get her to the Dr.!!!! The only time I woke up with blurred vision was just before being dx'ed with type 1. That was 2 years ago, still pretty fresh to me. Get the bs under control and vision will clear up, well it did for me. My bs at the time was 672.
Hi my name is Louie. I am on my wife Jackies account. She woke up with extreme blurred vision. She is a type 1 diabetic and to this point has never had any eye problems. We know she needs to get into a doctor asap but she has a huge meeting later this morning so we wanna just get her through that.
Any suggestions of anything she can do to improve her vision?
Louie, diabetes related blurred vision would be from an extended period of high blood sugar, and then a sudden drop to normal or low blood sugar. It happens because when your sugar is high for a long time - [simplification] your eye cells accumulate water and swell up. it takes time for the equilibrium to come back, with no way to speed up the process except for normal, steady blood sugar.
it could also be from a zillion other thigns, hope she's okay.
If she's a type 1 waking up at 398 then you need to kick her doctor in the butt. And then find another doctor who can provide better resources for her to maintain her health.
If she's a type 1 waking up at 398 then you need to kick her doctor in the butt. And then find another doctor who can provide better resources for her to maintain her health.
I'd focus on the vision problem and the current blood sugar as the more immediate problems if it were me... Sometimes, as much as we wish we had someone to blame, problems just happen. It could be a pump problem / tubing blockage? I have a strong doctor and good control, but I occasionally wake up high. I was 298 on Tuesday morning because I slept though my CGM alarms and had rebounded from an evening low. These things happen unfortunately.
Now that it's the afternoon, I hope you've seen a doctor and gotten some help for her! In the future, most endo offices have an emergency endo on-call that can be paged. If I ever wonder quite what I should do, I page the endo on call and see if it's an ER-worthy thing or something I should try to treat at home.
My daughter when she gets high her vision gets blurry its not a extended high either. She can be in a normal range earlier that day eat a flipping pancake lol go sky high her vision gets blurry and then once she goes down her vision gets better. She can also go into the 398 range and not have ketones from her hormones. It happens and doesnt always warrant a rush to the doctors. High numbers happen for all sorts of reasons from time to time. Just like lows both are treatable at home most of the time.
This has happened to me a few times. It happened when I had high blood sugars for a prolonged period of time and then brought it back suddenly in control. The doctor said it was the excess sugar crystallizing in my eyes and with time, my eyes would readjust. I got proliferative retinopathy a few years ago, and the laser treatments and better blood sugar control actually made my vision worse than before the treatments and when my sugars were high all the time. Now I have permanent long distance double vision, but I am sure this is not Jackie's case. Good luck and I hope her situation improves.