What Do You Look Forward To The Most On Thanksgiving?

Every year, my cravings seem to change. Sometimes, it's food related. Other times, it's games related (Guesstures, Scene It, etc.).

This year, I'm looking forward to the pumpkin roll (or log, as some people call it). I was walking past someone that had a pumpkin shake, and suddenly, I was thinking of all of the delicious pumpkin treats on Thanksgiving Day. Then, it hit me like a 5 year old that hits the tee instead of the ball...a pumpkin roll! I'm salivating just thinking of it.

So, what are you looking forward to? Any traditions, new things, etc?

Have a joyous Thanksgiving Day, everyone!

Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Spice Latte's.

It never fails.

The one thing that I usually look foward to on Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  I've watched this ever since I was little and its a tradition now to watch it.  When my father was alive he used to love to watch the parade.  We would all wake up in the morning and watch the parade together before we would head over to my grandmother's house for dinner.  My father passed away 8 years ago on Novemeber 16th and its been tough getting through this holiday since he passed away so close to it.  However, watching the parade brings pack all those good memories and I know that my father is watching over me. 

Buffalo Turkey Trot!!  (8 km race, 114th annual)  with my Uncle

The turkey sandwich masterpiece on the day after Thanksgiving.

I love eating as much turkeyy as my stomache can handle : )

home-made mashed potatoes and stuffing :x

This year I'm hosting my first dinner. :)


Me too!! I used to go to the parade every year because I live in NY it is awesome! My cousins used to go to see the balloons being filled. I never went because I would go to the actual parade.

Sorry to hear about your father and I am sure he is watching over you. What a great memory. I am so happy you shared it with us!


I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, and definitely all the good food!

My favorites are: turkey(of course), stuffing and mashed potatoes! :D

Since this is when I get time to be in the kitchen.. this year it is Warm Pecan Pumpkin Spice Souffle ...with ice cream .... then a nice long nap with my wife!


I like to make a turkey and dinner...it usually starts the night before. I think I got that from my mother; it used to be a family custom. She's in PA now, and the rest of my biological family is all up and down the east coast, not a one of us close enough to meet. However, I have my love and seven cats...and dog. Sometimes, we invite others as well, or visit my love's family around here.

To be honest, I am craving SLEEP. I have been working 12-14 hours a day with a rotating schedule which is not easy to live in...only two more days, plus extra hours to make up for being T1 and sick this term...as always...working extra days to say an existential "Sorry 'bout that" but this week...a real break!

I love turkey, though. I love...hmm...you get me to thinking...what do I love? I know there's going to be a mix of soul food and what I grew up eating...it should be, as usual, unique.

You have yourself a good Thanksgiving as well.

WHY are YOU guys talking bout this 2 days or the day before thanksgiving!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH its making me hungry and thinking about the cool whip on the pumkin pie...the turkey the ham...ahhhhh!!!!whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy...but yea Its the turkey and pie for me and especially the family

Pumpkin Pie and Stuffing..rules

I was just thinking that Thanksgiving is the one holiday on which T1's should be especially thankful.  Let me explain.  Type 1 Diabetes is a "disease" which mostly affects the biological process of eating food and converting it to usable energy.  (Yes I know that's not quite right, and it's much more complex than that.  But basically, diabetes is an eating disorder.)  And Thanksgiving is..., well perhaps more than any other holiday,...Thanksgiving IS the eating holiday.

In the old days, Thanksgiving must have been the most frustrating and depressing holiday for young folks with Type 1.  Thanksgiving was the day you had to give thanks for all the delicious food you COULDN'T eat.  (In the real old days... about 90 years ago, before the discovery of insulin,  young folks with Type 1 didn't grow up.  They seldom made it into adulthood.)

In he not SO real old days when I was a teen with Type 1, but before things like Humalog, and Blood Glucose Monitors, and boluses, and insulin pumps,  Type 1's like myself couldn't fully partake of the Thanksgiving meal.  Yes, we could have some turkey because it's pretty low carb, but not the scrumptious Turkey stuffing (ok maybe a tablespoon or two), or the mouthwatering apple pie... no way.  Certainly not with Mom sitting at the table.

So..., look what WE Type 1's have to be especially thankful for on this Thanksgiving.  Unlike Type 1's of the past, WE CAN EAT EVERYTHING ON THE TABLE!  (Not that we shouldn't exercise some moderation... but so should everybody.  This stuff's fattening!)  So load up your pumps (or syringes everyone), count your carbs, and have a very happy, especially thankful Thanksgiving.  (Does anyone know how many carbs are in the typical Thanksgiving meal?  Take a guess!)

Pumpkin rolls and all the pies are delicious.  And my aunt's billions of stuffings and corn pudding. 

I love my family's usually completely random discussions during dinner, too, and playing poker, Catchphrase, and cards.  This Thanksgiving will be kind of bittersweet for my family though, because my grandmother just had surgery so she and my aunt and uncle can't travel, and neither can my brother because of other medical issues :(

[quote user="Paul Glantzman"]

Does anyone know how many carbs are in the typical Thanksgiving meal?


The total for my Thanksgiving meal will be about 160 g, about 35-40g bigger than a dinner I eat everyday.  (What can I say, I love noodles).

Awesome post by the way.

i live in ny also and i wuz wondering if you knew of any good d camps